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Happy July 4th – Summer 2011

Happy July 4th – Summer 2011

  Healthcare Reform - Year Later Hello. It’s been awhile, hope you’re all well. To all who have inquired, my thanks for your concern, but all’s good. Hectic, but good. Lot’s going on and an awful lot of travel. I’ve had a chance to meet and talk with with...

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Wellness plans pay for themselves

Wellness plans pay for themselves

Although employers continue to use cost shifting to control health insurance expenses, many companies are also making wellness programs part of the overall strategy to keep costs down by keeping staff members healthy. "Our entire health care system is organized around...

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Health Care Reform Glossary

Accountable Care Organization (ACO) – These organizations coordinate patient care and provide the full range of health care services for patients. The health reform law provides incentives for providers who join together to form such organizations and who agree to be...

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What does FTE(Full Time Equivalent) mean?

To determine the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) you must count FT and PT employees.  Full Time Employees are those working 30 hours+/week.* The number of full-time employees excludes those full-time seasonal employees who work for less than 120 days during the year.4 The...

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HTTPS is your friend

HTTPS is your friend

At times a non related health care themes needs posting.  This one is an important  security measure that ought to be applied by all users whenevr possible.    HTTPS connections are often used for payment transactions on the World Wide Web and for sensitive...

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President kills new 1099 reporting of PPACA

President kills new 1099 reporting of PPACA

A taxing provision for small businesses was officially repealed last Thursday.  The widely unpopular provision would have had businesses report transactions to IRS of $600 in a year paid to ALL businesses for goods and services.  Suddenly businesses would have to...

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New Fed. Labor Laws by #of Employees

New Fed. Labor Laws by #of Employees

Aside from the many health care related  questions that are popping up with the new Health Care Reform Act otherwise known as Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act there are also new Labor Law changes that affects businesses of all sizes.  For the latest info...

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Massachusetts Health Care for “U.S.”?

Massachusetts Health Care for “U.S.”?

With the new Health Care Reform – PPACA (Patient Protection Affordibility Care Act) there is a greater need to cut costs on administration in order to compete. New guidelines are becoming more and more onerous on insurers. For example, a member who opts out of purchasing insurance coverage and only buy a plan when sick with minimal penalty and no waiting period then its a potential time bomb for insurers! When member drops out after resuming health and so insurers has no “good years” to profit to save for the “bad years” when one is sick.

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NY Ranks Health Insurers Based on Complaints

NY Ranks Health Insurers Based on Complaints

“Each year, NYSID and DOH receive complaints about health insurers from consumers and health care providers. After reviewing each complaint, the State determines if the health insurer acted appropriately. If the State determines that the insurer did not act in accordance with their statutory and contractual obligations, the health insurer must resolve the problem”

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Top Doc?

Top Doc?

Its out there, the big issue came out this week! Sure some of you are thinking Person of the Year or Sports Illustrated Swim Suit issue(that’s in February) but those in the medical field know what I’m talking about. Ahhhh the long awaited annual Top Doc issue is out. Is it HS all over again or is it for real?

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Hospital Contract Non-Negotiations

Hospital Contract Non-Negotiations

Just a heads up on a topic that will be all too familiar going forward.  We see this as a trend and not the exception.  As hospital systems have consolidated in reaction to negative market condition and  increasing costs of doing business.  But size is better when it...

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Rep Ryan (WI) – Obamacare will raise costs

    "...This bill explodes the deficit, it explodes the debt..." Paul Ryan Paul Ryan on taxing future generations for today's health care, unfunded mandates and the travesty that is the socialist-style Obama health care reform bill. Recorded 3-21-2010 more...

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COBRA Subsidy Extended AGAIN

COBRA Subsidy Extended AGAIN

President Obama Tuesday night signed into law legislation that provides a stopgap, 31-day extension of federal subsidies of COBRA health care premiums. The Senate approved this on a 78-19 vote, while the House cleared it last week.  Under H.R. 4691, the 65%,...

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St. Vincent Hospital Bankrupcy Again? "Facing crushing cash flow crunch it seeks deal that could keep system from returning to bankruptcy court; Continuum Health Partners says it has entered discussions." Hospitals are obligated to accept all...

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