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Coronavirus Resource Dashboard

by | Mar 31, 2020 | 0 comments

A helpful resource for our clients and their employees on the latest Coronavirus. We will continue to update these documents to make sure they are as up to date as possible.

Insights and Articles

State Resources

NYS Dept of Financial Services

NYS Emergency COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave infograph

NJ Dept of Banking & Insurance

• March 18, 2021- Get Covered NJ and American Rescue Plan Act 

• August 5, 2020-Gov Signs NJ Health Insurance Tax Effective Jan 2021

• April 14, 2020 – NJ Emergency Grace Period for Insurance Premiums 

March 30, 2020- NJ Expands Disability and Leave Benefits COVID-19

COVID-19 & Health Insurance FAQS


CT Dept of Insurance




Can short term disability help us pay for an employee who is in self quarantine?

Generally, no, however check with your carrier. See check list for NY Metro area -Does My Insurance Cover Coronavirus Test

Can telemedicine help employees with the coronavirus?

Some carriers are opening telemedicine access to all beneficiaries even if their plan had not previously covered it. Check with your carrier. 

Will the insurance companies charge us more for our premiums as a result of the virus?

Small groups(2-50 and 2-100 NYS) are not community-rated and will NOT see a direct impact. For large groups it is likely, however, they will not charge any employer off anniversary. Actuaries are trying to determine what the financial impact could be. We will then know what the additional cost will be on premium paying customers. Self-funded clients will also get an estimate to budget for the anticipated additional claims.

If some employees are still required to travel, what should I know about my insurance coverage?

All medical plans have coverage for out of area Urgent and Emergency services. Some cover these items better than others. The prudent thing to do is read your contract(or  contact u)s on to get clarity on how services will be covered.

For international travel, we highly recommend you purchase Travel/Accident insurance. It’s cheap (although will cost more now) and can be selected by individual employee trips. Always buy the policy which provides the best emergency and evacuation services. If you need assistance getting a policy, we can help.

Could asking employees to tell us if they are sick lead to a HIPAA violation?

If an employer learns about coronavirus exposure/illness directly from the employee and not via the health plan, there are no HIPAA concerns. There are of course privacy issues and ADA concerns and care should be taken to keep a sick employee’s identity private.

An overview of the FFCRA and the CARES Act Overview – April 1

Federal COVID 19 Small Business Relief What You Need to Know – April 8

Financial Assistance & Employee Benefits – April 15

Bookmark this page in order to help your business stay on top of this. Given the extremely dynamic and rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation, infomration above will be updated regularly. 

 With over three decades of combined experience working with all of the major insurance companies, we put business owners in the driver’s seat to buy a company policy on their terms and their budget. Most business owners enjoy the transparency and the peace of mind of an affordable group health insurance policy that’s aligned with their needs and the needs of their employees.

The information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only.  Millennium Medical Solutions Corp. does not offer legal or medical guidance.  Those with legal or medical questions should seek appropriate assistance from a licensed professional.

Please contact us TODAY or schedule a demo for a customized analysis for your group-specific needs at or Call (855) 667-4621.

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