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NYS Individual Marketplace 2015 FAQ

NYS Individual Marketplace 2015 FAQ

NYS Individual Marketplace 2015 FAQ

NYS Obamacare 2015 FAQ

Open enrollment for the 2015 New York individual market season is right around the corner. Below are answers to commonly asked questions pertaining to individual market coverage for residents of New York State:

Q: What is the New York State of Health (NYSOH) exchange website?
A:  NYSOH provides NYS residents living between 139%-400% of the Federal Poverty Level, access to lower cost health insurance by supplying them with tax credit premium subsidies. Additional Cost Sharing subsidies are available to those living between 139%-250% of the FPL. All subsidy programs are subject to eligibility requirements. Additionally, NYSOH is where individuals can enroll in Medicaid (for those living below 139% of the FPL).

Q: Is the NYSOH government health insurance? Is that what “Obamacare” means?
A: No. Individual health insurance is a relationship between a consumer, and a private health insurance company. NYOSH slips in between this relationship by forwarding tax credit money to the carrier on behalf of the subsidy-eligible consumer, and then the carrier bills the consumer for the difference in premium owed. “Obamacare” is simply the nickname of the new health insurance law, which (in part) assists individuals in obtaining health insurance.

Q: Do I have to have health insurance?
A: Yes. As part of the individual mandate, all US citizens must enroll in Affordable Care Act-compliant health insurance…be it through your employer, the individual market, Medicare, or Medicaid. Citizens not enrolled in coverage will be fined by the IRS (less those who qualify for exemptions).

Q: What is the fine for not having health insurance?
A: In 2015, the fine is 2% of household income per uninsured month. In 2016, this increases to 2.5% of household income per uninsured month.

Q: Do I have to enroll in individual coverage through NYSOH?
A: No. Only people in need of tax credit subsidy assistance must enroll through the NYSOH exchange website.

Q: What if I don’t earn enough income to qualify for subsidy assistance for on-exchange health plans?
A: People in NY living below 139% of the FPL will be eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid enrollments are conducted on the NYSOH website.

Q: If I am over the subsidy income limit threshold, how do I apply for coverage outside of the NYSOH website?
A: You can enroll directly with a carrier, or, by contacting a licensed insurance broker for assistance. Off-exchange carrier applications are extremely simplified, requiring only a 1-2 page paper/PDF application to be completed in most cases, and with no government intervention.

Q: Can brokers assist me with my individual coverage written through the NYSOH website as well?
A: Yes. Licensed brokers, who are also certified to write health plans on the exchange, can be found in the Broker directory on the NYSOH website. You can search using a specific broker’s first and last name, by selecting a specific Agency from the drop down list, or you can enter your ZIP Code to find one in your region.

Q: Do brokers charge fees for helping me secure an individual health plan?
A: Brokers are not allowed to charge fees for assisting individuals with writing their health insurance.

Q: How do brokers get paid?
A: Every time you pay your health insurance bill, a portion of your payment is allocated towards compensating a broker (just like with your auto or homeowners insurance). Most carriers pay broker commissions on the back end, which is completely transparent to the consumer. If no broker is utilized by the consumer, the carrier retains the commission. This means that whether you use a broker or not, you’ll be paying for one anyway.

Q: Don’t Navigators already provide these broker services?
A: No. Sometimes referred to as “in person assistors” or “experts” by the NYSOH, Navigators are not licensed to write health insurance. They are trained employees or contracted agencies of the NYS government (funded by Federal grant money) to help individuals navigate the enrollment process on the NYSOH website only. They are not required by federal law to undergo criminal background checks, nor are they licensed by the NYS Department of Financial Services, which means they cannot make plan recommendations to health insurance consumers.

Q: Can a certified broker process my NYSOH enrollment for me?
A: Yes. Brokers that are certified to write business on the NYSOH exchange website can drive the entire online enrollment process for the consumer. You just need to authorize a broker through your NYSOH account by logging in, and then clicking “Find a Navigator/Broker” towards the bottom left side of your NYSOH account home page. Once authorized, the broker you have selected will receive an email from the NYSOH that you are in need of assistance, and can now enroll you on your behalf.

Q: When can I enroll in individual health insurance?
A: Like Medicare, the individual health insurance market is setup to have an open enrollment season. The individual market open enrollment window is from 11/15/14 through 2/15/15.

Q. Are there any exceptions to the open enrollment period?

A. Enrollment in Medicaid, Child Health Plus and the Small Business Marketplace continues all year.

Have a Qualifying Event?


Enroll Now using our online shopping tool where you can compare plans and prices and enroll

Find us on the Health Insurance Marketplace where you may qualify for help to pay for your health insurance.  Qualifying Events for Exchange Marketplace. 76 percent of the uninsured are unaware of the looming March 31 sign-up deadline. Contact us at (855)667-4621.


Q: Can I enroll in coverage outside of the open enrollment season?
A: Consumers can enroll in individual coverage outside the open enrollment season so long as a “Qualifying Life Event” exists. Examples of such events include the loss of a job, marriage, divorce, birth of a child, a change in subsidy eligibility, and others. Written proof of the QLE will be required when enrolling outside of the open enrollment season as established by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Q: If I am subsidy eligible, and my income changes, what do I do?
A: Consumers enrolled through the exchange who receive tax credits must notify the NYSOH Marketplace whenever a change of income is experienced. You can contact the marketplace call center at 855-355-5777 to update your income information.

Q: Am I limited to certain insurance companies if I am subsidy-eligible?
A: No. Consumers who are subsidy-eligible may pick any plan they wish that is available on the NYSOH exchange website. However, subsidy-eligible individuals may not apply those tax credits towards health plans written outside of the NYSOH website (for example, Oxford Liberty plans, which are only available outside of the NYSOH Marketplace).

Q: I have completed the income portion of my on-exchange application, and I’m now ready to pick a plan. How can I find out more specific information pertaining to the available options in the market?
A:  A licensed insurance broker can help you understand the available health plans in the market, and can make plan recommendations specific to your needs and financial situation.

Q: I started my current individual plan in July 2014. Do I have to renew my plan on January 1st 2015?
A: Yes. All individual market plans have calendar year deductible and maximum out of pocket accumulation periods, which resets on January 1st of any given year. So for example, if you lost your job (and your health insurance) effective 12/1/14, and then you enroll for individual coverage effective 12/1/14, you must renew your individual plan the following month (for 1/1/15) at the new carrier plan structures and rates.

Q: I already have individual market based health insurance. Can I change plans during the open enrollment season?
A: Yes. Existing individual health insurance policyholders may change their plan during the open enrollment season. You may also change carriers should you wish to find a better solution for your needs. Talk to your licensed insurance broker about the available plan options in the market for 2015.

Q: My employer is offering me a health plan that I am not interested in. Can I waive my employer health plan and replace it with an individual plan, and receive tax credit subsidy assistance?
A: The answer to the first part of the question is yes. Employees can choose to opt out of employer-sponsored health insurance, and can replace their coverage in the individual market.

With regards to receiving tax credit subsidies in these situations, yes, an individual can receive tax credit subsidies to help pay the cost of individual health insurance. However, in addition to the employee needing to meet tax credit eligibility requirements as discussed earlier, one of two additional conditions must be met to be eligible to receive subsidy assistance: 1) The employer’s health plan does not meet the minimum actuarial value of 60%, or 2) The employee’s single rate cost (self-only coverage, no dependents) for employer-sponsored coverage exceeds 9.5% of their household adjusted gross income (defined as “unaffordable” under the health care law).

Q: I’m applying for a tax credit subsidy. How do I determine my adjusted gross income?
A: Your adjusted gross income can be found on line 37 of your 1040 tax return. Subsidy applicants who have a steady income can use this figure as a guide when determining tax credit eligibility for the upcoming tax year.

Those that do not have a steady income (e.g. sole proprietors, freelancers, single-person businesses, etc.) should speak with their accountants to determine their estimated adjusted gross income for the upcoming tax year.

Q: I was determined Medicaid eligible after applying for tax credit subsidy on the NYSOH website. However, my doctors do not take Medicaid. Can I opt out of medicaid and get a subsidized individual health plan instead?
A: You may choose to opt out of Medicaid if you wish. However, those who are Medicaid eligible will not qualify for tax credit subsidies for individual health plans. You can enroll in a health plan, but you must pay the full price of the plan.

Q: I was determined subsidy eligible, and I want to pick a plan to enroll in through the NYSOH website. Can I put my children on my health plan with my spouse and I?
A: No. Those who are subsidy eligible must insure their dependent children through a Child Health Plus plan. CHP (or “chip”) plans are selected during the plan check out process at the end of the NYSOH application. Only the applicant and spouse will qualify for a private health plan with subsidy assistance. If you choose to opt your children out of CHP, you and your spouse will lose subsidy eligibility for your private health plan.

Q: How can I find out if my doctors take a particular health plan?
A: Your licensed insurance broker can provide you with carrier-specific tools to look up providers in particular networks.

Q: How can I get a copy of the full benefit summary for a particular health plan I’m interested in?
A: Your licensed insurance broker can provide you with electronic benefit summaries for most health plans upon request.

Q: How can I find a licensed broker to assist me?
A:  Licensed insurance brokers, and who are also certified to write on-exchange plans, can be found in the Broker directory on the NYSOH website. You can search using a specific broker’s first and last name, by selecting a specific Agency from the drop down list, or you can enter your ZIP Code to find one in your region.

For more information  regarding  both Exchanges –   Individual Exchanges or SHOP  please contact our team at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp  (855)667-4621.   We have Spanish, Russian, and Hebrew speakers available.  Quotes can also be viewed on our site.
PEO: Co-Employment


    NYS 2015 Rates Approved

    NYS 2015 Rates Approved

    NYS 2015 Rates Approved   NYS DFS 2015 Rates Approved

    The NYS Department of Financial Services has reviewed individual and small group health carriers’ rate increase requests for 2015, and announced the results of their review.

    Interestingly, North Shore LIJ Care Connect was the only insurer to request a rate reduction.  With significant expansion steps they are well positioned for Wescthester, Bronx, NYC, SI, Queens and LI.   These numbers are across the board and  specific plan rate renewal may vary.

    Reminder: Individual Exchange Marketplace opens Nov 2015.  Rates will be posted upon Health Insurer’s release, check our site.

    Individual Market

    On average, insurers requested a 12.5 percent increase in health insurance rates for 2015 in the individual market. DFS reduced that average increase more than in half to 5.7 percent – which is below the approximately 8 percent average increase in health care costs.

    Small Group Market

    On average, insurers requested a 13.9 percent increase in health insurance rates for 2015 in the small group market. DFS reduced that average increase more than in half to 6.7 percent – which is also below the approximately 8 percent increase in health care costs.

    You may view the DFS press release, which includes a recap of the increases requested and approved by clicking here.

    For specific details on all available health plans in 2015, contact our team at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp  (855)667-4621.  We work in coordination with Navigators to assist with medicaid, CHIP Child Health Plus, Family Health Plus and Medicare Dual Eligibles.   We have Spanish, Russian, and Hebrew speakers available.  Quotes can also be viewed on our site.

    See Health Reform Resource


    NYS Health Exchange FAQ Jan 1 Enrollments

    NYS Health Exchange FAQ Jan 1 Enrollments

    Health Exchange FAQ

    NYS Health Exchange FAQ  Jan 1 Enrollments   FAQ Using Coverage January 1, 2014

    NYS Health Exchange FAQ Jan 1 Enrollments. NYS of Helath has provided a helpful  Frequently Asked Questions for recent enrollees. We have attached the document for your use.

    IMPORTANT:   How can I pay my premium bill for January 1st coverage?

    You need to pay your health plan – not NY State of Health – no later than 10 days after you receive your invoice (bill) from your plan. You can pay your bill by mail. Some plans may accept payment online or over the phone. Plans must accept the following forms of payment: paper checks, cashier’s checks, money orders, electronic funds transfer (EFT), and all general-purpose pre-paid debit cards. Contact your health plan for more information about payment options or if the due date is a problem for you.

    For more information  regarding  both Exchanges –   Individual Exchanges or SHOP   please contact our team at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp  (855)667-4621.   We have Spanish, Russian, and Hebrew speakers available.  Quotes can also be viewed on our site.
    FAQ Using Coverage January 1, 2014


    PEO: Co-Employment

      Interfaith Hospital Planning Shutdown

      Interfaith Hospital Planning Shutdown

      Bedford Stuyvescent Hospital Closing

      Interfaith Hospital Planning Shutdown. The Bedford Stuyvescent Hospital entered bankruptcy court this week to approve its closing and send layoff warning notices to its 1,544 employees. Pending court and state approval, on Aug. 12 the hospital will end inpatient admissions and divert ambulances to other hospitals. Elective surgeries will end Aug. 19, the emergency department will shut Sept. 11, and all patients will be transferred from the hospital by Sept. 12. Outpatient programs will end Oct. 12 and detoxification and rehabilitation programs Nov. 11.

      The bankruptcy court hearing for Interfaith is August 15. The hospital services 175,000 people  with closest hospital in this predominantly minority community is about two and a half miles away.

      The threatened closing of another Brooklyn hospital, Long Island College Hospital in Cobble Hill, has become an issue in the mayoral campaign. The  506-bed  hospital — which it said to be losing $4 million was taken over by Downstate   in 2011, inheriting a $170 million debt. The Hospital’s location is very sought after and will likely be purchased by developers.  Developers are coveting LICH’s $1 billion in prime brownstone Brooklyn waterfront buildings.

      See our original blog story Interfaith Hospital Files Bankruptcy, Dec 7, 2012.

      Stellaris Hospitals Break Up

      Stellaris Hospitals Break Up


      4 Hospitals seek to cut Stellaris ties

      Stellaris Hospitals Break Up.

      Breaking Westchester Health Care News: As reported in The Journal News earlier. A Stellaris Hospitals Break Up is planned; Phelps, Lawrence, Northern Westchester and White Plains may form new alliances.  Stellaris had been in the news in recent years with down to the wite negotiations with Empire Blue Cross Empire & Stellaris Reach Pact effective 8/1/10.

      A Stellaris Hospitals Break Up is not surprising.  This is viewed as possible strategic move for acquisition form larger local hospitals or even national chains such as Cardinal Health or HCA. Insurers have also purchaszed recenlty medical groups,see UnitedHealthcare Buying Medical Groups?  Will it our market allow an Insurer to purchase a Hospital?


      4 hospitals seek to cut Stellaris ties

      By Jane Lerner

      Four hospitals in Westchester County want to cut ties with their parent organization — a move that could signal their interest in forming new consolidations and alliances with other health-care facilities.

      Phelps Memorial Hospital Center in Sleepy Hollow, Lawrence Hospital Center in Bronxville, Northern Westchester Hospital in Mount Kisco and White Plains Hospital are seeking to leave the Stellaris Health Network.

      “Stellaris and its member hospitals made this decision after a lengthy strategic review that evaluated a variety of alternatives to respond to a dynamic and ever more challenging health-care environment,” Stellaris said in a statement.

      The state Department of Health has to approve any change in ownership of a hospital. Requests from the four hospitals to “dis-establish” Stellaris as “active parent and co-operator” were filed with the state last week.

      Leaving Stellaris will enable each hospital to seek new partners.

      “By becoming independent, each hospital can move forward in the direction that each feels is best for its community,” said Arthur Nizza, who is on his way out as president and chief executive officer of Stellaris.

      All four hospitals declined to comment.

      As the parent organization of the four hospitals, Armonk-based Stellaris handled their negotiations with commercial insurance companies, purchasing and information technologies.

      Stellaris will continue to provide IT support and some other services to the hospitals. But once they leave the network, they will be able to seek new partners to increase their bargaining power and share services and expenses.

      Numerous hospital consolidations and mergers are taking place nationwide.

      “I think in time — not immediately — the idea of a freestanding community hospital is going to be passe,” said Kevin Dahill, president of the Northern Metropolitan Hospital Association, an industry group.

      Sound Shore Medical Center in New Rochelle and its Mount Vernon Hospital are seeking to merge with Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx once the Westchester County institutions emerge from Bankruptcy Court. In New York City, Mount Sinai Medical Center and Continuum Health Partners, a network that includes Beth Israel and two St. Luke’s-Roosevelt campuses, agreed last week to merge.

      “Hospitals are doing what they have to do to position their organizations,” Dahill said.

      Stellaris was formed in 1996 as an alliance between White Plains and Northern Westchester hospitals. In 1997, Phelps and Lawrence joined and, in 2000, the company formed an emergency medical service to provide paramedic service to part of Westchester.

      Nizza will become CEO of St. Francis Hospital and Health Centers in Poughkeepsie next month. Sharon Lucian, who has been with Stellaris since 1999 and is vice president and chief financial officer, will replace him.


      Health Care News

      Click Above for Latest News

      NYS Approves Health Insurance Exchange Rates

      NYS Approves Health Insurance Exchange Rates

      Health Insurance Exchange

      NYS Approves Health Insurance Exchange Rates.

      Governor Cuomo announced  yesterday that New York’s Health Benefits Exchange have been approved . Additionally, the New York Times yesterday published an article highlighting that the rates in the individual market that will be offered in 2014 are at least 50 percent lower than they are now.  The article link and Governor’s office press release are included below.

      5 things we now know about the NYS Exchanges:

      • Importantly,  Insurers must still confirm that they will be in either the individual exchange and/ or shop exchange
      • The rates approved yesterday are subject to final certification of the insurers’ participation in the exchange.
      • Many of the networks used on the Exchange appear to be smaller than the group rated.
      • Some new insurers have eneter the marketplace such as OSCAR and Freelancers.  While a few such as EmblemHealth have taken a wait and see approach.
      •  Additionally,  NYS  individual market rate will drop significantly in 2014 but they have been historically always the highest.  An individual/Direct Pay  HMO is approximately $1,000-$1,200/month. They are still approximately 18% highest.

      The Department of Financial Services (DFS) has approved  New York’s Health Health Insurance Exchange  rates for 17 insurers seeking to offer coverage including eight new entrants into the market that do not currently offer commercial health insurance plans.  Please click the following links for the Governor’s Press Release and the Individual and Small Group rates.

      Governor’s Press Release

      NYS Approved 2014 Exchange Rates

      The following companies had health insurance plan rates for the health benefits exchange approved today by DFS. The rates approved today are subject to final certification of the insurers’ participation in the exchange.

      • Aetna
      • Affinity Health Plan, Inc.

        NYS Approves Health Insurance Exchange Rates

        The cheapest you’ll pay for individual health insurance in NY

      • American Progressive Life & Health Insurance Company of New York
      • Capital District Physicians Health Plan, Inc.
      • Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York
      • Empire BlueCross BlueShield
      • Excellus
      • Fidelis Care
      • Freelancers Co-Op
      • Healthfirst New York
      • HealthNow New York, Inc.
      • Independent Health
      • MetroPlus Health Plan
      • MVP Health Plan, Inc.
      • North Shore LIJ
      • Oscar Health Insurance Co.
      • United Healthcare

      If you have additional questions regarding  how SHOP Exchanges and Individual Exchanges can benefit you  please contact our team at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp.   Stay tuned for updates as more information gets released. We’re inside of 75 days until exchanges open, and information will be coming quickly in the next few months.  Sign up for latest news updates.


      Health Exchange FAQ

      Click Above

      Federal government health care site:

      Kaiser Health Reform Subsidy Calculator:

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