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2015 Individual Open Enrollment is Ending

2015 Individual Open Enrollment is Ending

2015 Individual Open Enrollment is Ending

3 days left Obamacare deadline


2/13/15 UPDATE:  

NYS of health Update


 “The deadline for individuals and families to enroll in a qualified health plan through NY State of Health is February 15, 2015. However, the Marketplace will provide additional assistance to those individuals who have taken steps to apply for coverage but have been unable to complete the enrollment process before the deadline. All applications and enrollments in health plans must be completed by the end of the day on February 28, 2015. Those who complete their enrollment after February 15, 2015 but on or before February 28, 2015 will have coverage starting on April 1, 2015.”


Last days for 2015 Individual Open Enrollment is ending this week.  This deadline applies to both On and Off Exchange!

ACA Individual Penalty’s Looming

If you’re wondering about the penalty for not having insurance: yes, there is one, and no, you can’t really get out of paying for it. You’ll pay the penalty when you file your taxes for 2015. Even if you get coverage midway through the year, you’ll still need to pay a penalty for the months you weren’t insured. So get covered!

Think you might be eligible for a subsidy or aren’t sure?

You can check here at the New York State of Health Marketplace calculator. If you are eligible or think you might be eligible, you can contact the marketplace directly to purchase a plan or ask questions about financial assistance.

Choose Wisely

Please remember that during open enrollment you  are permitted to switch carriers.  Choose wisely because after February 15, one cannot switch plans until open enrollment 2015, unless you have a “qualifying event,” such as marriage, divorce, birth or adoption.

Individual Online Enrollment Resources for On and Off Exchange:

For NYS – To view Oscar’s plans, rates and simple online enrollment application, click here.

Outside NYS

Health Reform Info

For more information on enrollment  please contact our team at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp  (855)667-4621.   We have Spanish, Russian, and Hebrew speakers available.

Study on Broker Role and ACA

Study on Broker Role and ACA

Study on Broker Role and ACA   ACA Implementation and Brokers

RWJ urban institute Study on Brokers and ACA




Last week, the Georgetown University’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms, in conjunction with the Urban Institute, released a report about the role health insurance agents and brokers have played enrolling and supporting millions of new people in coverage over the past year. The study, which is  favorable about the role of the broker in the new health insurance marketplace, makes six policy recommendations that the authors believe would help agents assist even more consumers in the years ahead. 

This study provides valuable academic evidence to the continued and future role health insurance agents have in helping support both individual and business consumers with their coverage needs in a reformed health insurance marketplace. Many of the recommendations the authors make are reforms that SMB  have called for to better support agents and brokers in both the federal and state-based exchanges since day one. 

The conclusive outcome is that Brokers will be needed as a sustainable model to support future enrollment. “Consequently, many may seek to leverage insurance brokers to conduct consumer education and help people enroll in marketplace plans. As evidenced here, sources interviewed have many concrete suggestions for increasing broker sales of marketplace plans, potentially increasing enrollment under the ACA. The amount that increased broker sales can reduce the number of uninsured.”

Licensed Brokers vs Navigators



Reminder: 2015 Open Enrollment ends this week by Feb 15th.  For more information  regarding  both Exchanges –   Individual Exchanges or SHOP  please contact our team at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp  (855)667-4621.   We have Spanish, Russian, and Hebrew speakers available.  Quotes can also be viewed on our site.

PEO: Co-Employment

    NYS Marketplace Premium Tax Credits

    NYS Marketplace Premium Tax Credits

    NYS Marketplace Premium Tax Credits  NYS Obamacare 2015 FAQ

    What to do with the 1095-A form you received in the mail?

    Attached below is the link to the web page with information on Premium Tax Credits and Form 1095-A. The resources on this link provide information on Form 1095-A, including Frequently Asked Questions and the toll free numbers provided for assistance.The resources on this page provide information about your Form 1095-A from NY State of Health.  The Form 1095-A is used to reconcile Advance Premium Tax Credits (APTC) and to claim Premium Tax Credits (PTC) on your federal tax returns.


    Frequently Asked Questions about the Form 1095-A

    •  I didn’t apply to NY State of Health for financial assistance. Can you tell me if I can claim the PTC on my tax returns for 2014?
    • Who is in my tax family? How do I figure out if someone is a dependent?
    •  How do I report health care coverage on my tax return?
    • How do I report the information from Form 1095-A on my tax return?
    •  Do I need to complete Form 8962?
    •  How do I complete Form 8962 on my tax return? How do I use the Form 1095-A to complete my Form 8962. What counts as income? What is my FPL?
    •  Do I owe money to the IRS? Will I get a refund from the IRS? How much tax credits will I have to repay to the IRS? How much extra in tax credits will I get from the IRS?
    •  I am self-employed. Can I claim my NY State of Health premiums as a business expense on my tax returns?
    •  I had to pay back tax credits or got extra tax credits. Should I estimate my income differently for 2015?
    •  How do I claim an exemption from the Individual Responsibility requirement?
    •  Do I owe an Individual Share Responsibility Payment?
    •  What income needs to be considered when calculating the Individual Shared Responsibility Payment?
    •  I enrolled in a health plan with financial assistance and my income is now less than 100% FPL. Am I still eligible for the PTC?

    If you have questions about Form 1095-A, Minimum Essential Coverage, PTC or the SLCSP table, call Community Health Advocates’ Helpline at 1-888-614-5400.

    If you think we made a mistake on your 1095-A, call NY State of Health at 1-855-766-7860.

    If you have questions about Form 8962 or other tax-related questions, visit

    Please take the time to review. For more information, please 



    单击此处,了解 简体中文 保费税收抵免和 Form 1095-A 的相关信息。

    Cliquez ici pour accéder à des informations sur les crédits d’impôt pour cotisation d’assurance et sur le Form 1095-A en français.

    Klike la a pou jwenn enfòmasyon sou Kredi nan Taks sou Prim ak Form 1095-A nan Kreyòl Ayisyen.

    Per ricevere maggiori informazioni in italiano sul credito d’imposta sul premio (Premium Tax Credit, PTC) e sul Form 1095-A, cliccare qui.

    한국어로 된 보험료 세금 공제(Premium Tax Credits, PTA) 및 Form 1095-A에 대한 정보가 필요하신 경우 여기를 클릭하십시오.

    Нажмите здесь, чтобы получить информацию о налоговых вычетах за страховые взносы и форме Form 1095-A на русском языке.

    Haga clic aquí para obtener información en español acerca de los Créditos tributarios para la prima y el formulario 1095-A.

    NSLIJ CareConnect adds WestMed

    NSLIJ CareConnect adds WestMed

    NSLIJ CareConnect adds WestMed
    CareConnect Logo 4CSM    +   WesMed joins NSLIJ CareConnect

    WestMed Medical Group has now joined the North Shore LIJ’s insurance – CareConnect Network! This is not a purchase.  This partnership  expands their footprint and makes CareConnect a compelling  fit for individuals and groups located in Westchester. In addition, CareConnect has just announced CareConnect’s Network Expansion! Yale-New Haven Health and all their facilities are now in-network with CareConnect.  Tools are available to search for providers with updated expansion to be added shortly.

    A combined Hospital Insurance system is an intriguing concept thats not all that new.  Pittsburgh’s UPMC has been delivering the same model in Western PA successfully. In NYS  an integrated medical approach is new on the other hand and challenging in an open  competitive loop.  A high quality smaller network that is priced affordably and can offer Patient Concierge like service may be what the market is asking for. They may also be in a better position to manage patient health and Preventative Medicine.   For Jan 2015, NSLIJ CareConnect will have a 20% reduction in most regions such as Westchester and NYC.   For new rates, benefits and provider listings click – CareConnect NSLIJ

    For more information, please 

    Press Release#

    Award-Winning WESTMED Joins CareConnect!

    We’re pleased to announce our continued network expansion with the addition of WESTMED Medical Group. With this practice, CareConnect members now have more access in Westchester County:

    •  289 physicians in eleven office locations
    •  On-site laboratory and radiology services
    •  Four urgent care centers
    •  Three NCQA recognized programs including the patient-centered medical home and diabetes
    Stay tuned as we continue to add access for your groups around the CareConnect service area

    NYS Marketplace Premium Tax Credits

    NYS Individual Marketplace 2015 FAQ

    NYS Individual Marketplace 2015 FAQ

    NYS Obamacare 2015 FAQ

    Open enrollment for the 2015 New York individual market season is right around the corner. Below are answers to commonly asked questions pertaining to individual market coverage for residents of New York State:

    Q: What is the New York State of Health (NYSOH) exchange website?
    A:  NYSOH provides NYS residents living between 139%-400% of the Federal Poverty Level, access to lower cost health insurance by supplying them with tax credit premium subsidies. Additional Cost Sharing subsidies are available to those living between 139%-250% of the FPL. All subsidy programs are subject to eligibility requirements. Additionally, NYSOH is where individuals can enroll in Medicaid (for those living below 139% of the FPL).

    Q: Is the NYSOH government health insurance? Is that what “Obamacare” means?
    A: No. Individual health insurance is a relationship between a consumer, and a private health insurance company. NYOSH slips in between this relationship by forwarding tax credit money to the carrier on behalf of the subsidy-eligible consumer, and then the carrier bills the consumer for the difference in premium owed. “Obamacare” is simply the nickname of the new health insurance law, which (in part) assists individuals in obtaining health insurance.

    Q: Do I have to have health insurance?
    A: Yes. As part of the individual mandate, all US citizens must enroll in Affordable Care Act-compliant health insurance…be it through your employer, the individual market, Medicare, or Medicaid. Citizens not enrolled in coverage will be fined by the IRS (less those who qualify for exemptions).

    Q: What is the fine for not having health insurance?
    A: In 2015, the fine is 2% of household income per uninsured month. In 2016, this increases to 2.5% of household income per uninsured month.

    Q: Do I have to enroll in individual coverage through NYSOH?
    A: No. Only people in need of tax credit subsidy assistance must enroll through the NYSOH exchange website.

    Q: What if I don’t earn enough income to qualify for subsidy assistance for on-exchange health plans?
    A: People in NY living below 139% of the FPL will be eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid enrollments are conducted on the NYSOH website.

    Q: If I am over the subsidy income limit threshold, how do I apply for coverage outside of the NYSOH website?
    A: You can enroll directly with a carrier, or, by contacting a licensed insurance broker for assistance. Off-exchange carrier applications are extremely simplified, requiring only a 1-2 page paper/PDF application to be completed in most cases, and with no government intervention.

    Q: Can brokers assist me with my individual coverage written through the NYSOH website as well?
    A: Yes. Licensed brokers, who are also certified to write health plans on the exchange, can be found in the Broker directory on the NYSOH website. You can search using a specific broker’s first and last name, by selecting a specific Agency from the drop down list, or you can enter your ZIP Code to find one in your region.

    Q: Do brokers charge fees for helping me secure an individual health plan?
    A: Brokers are not allowed to charge fees for assisting individuals with writing their health insurance.

    Q: How do brokers get paid?
    A: Every time you pay your health insurance bill, a portion of your payment is allocated towards compensating a broker (just like with your auto or homeowners insurance). Most carriers pay broker commissions on the back end, which is completely transparent to the consumer. If no broker is utilized by the consumer, the carrier retains the commission. This means that whether you use a broker or not, you’ll be paying for one anyway.

    Q: Don’t Navigators already provide these broker services?
    A: No. Sometimes referred to as “in person assistors” or “experts” by the NYSOH, Navigators are not licensed to write health insurance. They are trained employees or contracted agencies of the NYS government (funded by Federal grant money) to help individuals navigate the enrollment process on the NYSOH website only. They are not required by federal law to undergo criminal background checks, nor are they licensed by the NYS Department of Financial Services, which means they cannot make plan recommendations to health insurance consumers.

    Q: Can a certified broker process my NYSOH enrollment for me?
    A: Yes. Brokers that are certified to write business on the NYSOH exchange website can drive the entire online enrollment process for the consumer. You just need to authorize a broker through your NYSOH account by logging in, and then clicking “Find a Navigator/Broker” towards the bottom left side of your NYSOH account home page. Once authorized, the broker you have selected will receive an email from the NYSOH that you are in need of assistance, and can now enroll you on your behalf.

    Q: When can I enroll in individual health insurance?
    A: Like Medicare, the individual health insurance market is setup to have an open enrollment season. The individual market open enrollment window is from 11/15/14 through 2/15/15.

    Q. Are there any exceptions to the open enrollment period?

    A. Enrollment in Medicaid, Child Health Plus and the Small Business Marketplace continues all year.

    Have a Qualifying Event?


    Enroll Now using our online shopping tool where you can compare plans and prices and enroll

    Find us on the Health Insurance Marketplace where you may qualify for help to pay for your health insurance.  Qualifying Events for Exchange Marketplace. 76 percent of the uninsured are unaware of the looming March 31 sign-up deadline. Contact us at (855)667-4621.


    Q: Can I enroll in coverage outside of the open enrollment season?
    A: Consumers can enroll in individual coverage outside the open enrollment season so long as a “Qualifying Life Event” exists. Examples of such events include the loss of a job, marriage, divorce, birth of a child, a change in subsidy eligibility, and others. Written proof of the QLE will be required when enrolling outside of the open enrollment season as established by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

    Q: If I am subsidy eligible, and my income changes, what do I do?
    A: Consumers enrolled through the exchange who receive tax credits must notify the NYSOH Marketplace whenever a change of income is experienced. You can contact the marketplace call center at 855-355-5777 to update your income information.

    Q: Am I limited to certain insurance companies if I am subsidy-eligible?
    A: No. Consumers who are subsidy-eligible may pick any plan they wish that is available on the NYSOH exchange website. However, subsidy-eligible individuals may not apply those tax credits towards health plans written outside of the NYSOH website (for example, Oxford Liberty plans, which are only available outside of the NYSOH Marketplace).

    Q: I have completed the income portion of my on-exchange application, and I’m now ready to pick a plan. How can I find out more specific information pertaining to the available options in the market?
    A:  A licensed insurance broker can help you understand the available health plans in the market, and can make plan recommendations specific to your needs and financial situation.

    Q: I started my current individual plan in July 2014. Do I have to renew my plan on January 1st 2015?
    A: Yes. All individual market plans have calendar year deductible and maximum out of pocket accumulation periods, which resets on January 1st of any given year. So for example, if you lost your job (and your health insurance) effective 12/1/14, and then you enroll for individual coverage effective 12/1/14, you must renew your individual plan the following month (for 1/1/15) at the new carrier plan structures and rates.

    Q: I already have individual market based health insurance. Can I change plans during the open enrollment season?
    A: Yes. Existing individual health insurance policyholders may change their plan during the open enrollment season. You may also change carriers should you wish to find a better solution for your needs. Talk to your licensed insurance broker about the available plan options in the market for 2015.

    Q: My employer is offering me a health plan that I am not interested in. Can I waive my employer health plan and replace it with an individual plan, and receive tax credit subsidy assistance?
    A: The answer to the first part of the question is yes. Employees can choose to opt out of employer-sponsored health insurance, and can replace their coverage in the individual market.

    With regards to receiving tax credit subsidies in these situations, yes, an individual can receive tax credit subsidies to help pay the cost of individual health insurance. However, in addition to the employee needing to meet tax credit eligibility requirements as discussed earlier, one of two additional conditions must be met to be eligible to receive subsidy assistance: 1) The employer’s health plan does not meet the minimum actuarial value of 60%, or 2) The employee’s single rate cost (self-only coverage, no dependents) for employer-sponsored coverage exceeds 9.5% of their household adjusted gross income (defined as “unaffordable” under the health care law).

    Q: I’m applying for a tax credit subsidy. How do I determine my adjusted gross income?
    A: Your adjusted gross income can be found on line 37 of your 1040 tax return. Subsidy applicants who have a steady income can use this figure as a guide when determining tax credit eligibility for the upcoming tax year.

    Those that do not have a steady income (e.g. sole proprietors, freelancers, single-person businesses, etc.) should speak with their accountants to determine their estimated adjusted gross income for the upcoming tax year.

    Q: I was determined Medicaid eligible after applying for tax credit subsidy on the NYSOH website. However, my doctors do not take Medicaid. Can I opt out of medicaid and get a subsidized individual health plan instead?
    A: You may choose to opt out of Medicaid if you wish. However, those who are Medicaid eligible will not qualify for tax credit subsidies for individual health plans. You can enroll in a health plan, but you must pay the full price of the plan.

    Q: I was determined subsidy eligible, and I want to pick a plan to enroll in through the NYSOH website. Can I put my children on my health plan with my spouse and I?
    A: No. Those who are subsidy eligible must insure their dependent children through a Child Health Plus plan. CHP (or “chip”) plans are selected during the plan check out process at the end of the NYSOH application. Only the applicant and spouse will qualify for a private health plan with subsidy assistance. If you choose to opt your children out of CHP, you and your spouse will lose subsidy eligibility for your private health plan.

    Q: How can I find out if my doctors take a particular health plan?
    A: Your licensed insurance broker can provide you with carrier-specific tools to look up providers in particular networks.

    Q: How can I get a copy of the full benefit summary for a particular health plan I’m interested in?
    A: Your licensed insurance broker can provide you with electronic benefit summaries for most health plans upon request.

    Q: How can I find a licensed broker to assist me?
    A:  Licensed insurance brokers, and who are also certified to write on-exchange plans, can be found in the Broker directory on the NYSOH website. You can search using a specific broker’s first and last name, by selecting a specific Agency from the drop down list, or you can enter your ZIP Code to find one in your region.

    For more information  regarding  both Exchanges –   Individual Exchanges or SHOP  please contact our team at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp  (855)667-4621.   We have Spanish, Russian, and Hebrew speakers available.  Quotes can also be viewed on our site.
    PEO: Co-Employment


      NSLIJ Adds Phelps Hospital

      NSLIJ Adds Phelps Hospital

      NSLIJ Adds Phelps Hospital North Shore LIJ acquires Phelps Hospital

      Phelps Memorial Hospital and North Shore LIJ Health System have signed an acquisition agreement.  The two organizations expect the signed agreement to receive all necessary regulatory approvals later this year.

      Phelps was one of two hospitals who signed a Letter of Intent this Summer.  Northern Westchester Hospital based in Mt. Kisko was the second one.  Both potential hospitals would give the fast growing NSLIJ insurance company CareConnect a string foothold in Westchester.  Additionally, CareConnect has an affiliate agreement with Montefiore Hospital who’s Bronx base has expanded into Westchester with acquisition of New Rochelle Hospitals – Montefiore Buying Sound Shore Hospital as well as a partnership with White Plains Hospital –Montefiore Health System and White Plains Hospital Sign Formal Agreement.

      It will invest in infrastructure improvements and clinical program expansion at Phelps. The 238-bed Sleepy Hollow facility will become the system’s 18th hospital. With Phelps’ 1,700 employees, NS-LIJ has about 50,000 workers, which it said ranks it as the largest private employer in New York state. North Shore-LIJ expects to secure regulatory approvals for the acquisition later this Fall.

      A combined Hospital Insurance system is an intriguing concept thats not all that new.  Pittsburgh’s UPMC has been delivering the same model in Western PA successfully. In NYS  an integrated medical approach is new on the other hand and challenging in an open  competitive loop.  A high quality smaller network that is priced affordably and can offer Patient Concierge like service may be what the market is asking for. They may also be in a better position to manage patient health and Preventative Medicine.   For Jan 2015, NSLIJ CareConnect will have a 20% reduction in most regions such as Westchester and NYC.   For new rates, benefits and provider listings click – CareConnect NSLIJ

      For more information, please 



      New Election New Obamacare?

      New Election New Obamacare?

      New Election New Obamacare?Political Disillusionment Cartoon

      The people have spoken at least for now and they are saying they are unhappy. The storm clouds over Obmacare has ushered in GOP victories:  +7 Senate  + 13  House.  47% of those who cast ballots in the midterms said the 2010 health care law, which opened for enrollment a year ago, went too far. On the other hand, 26 percent said the law didn’t go far enough, CNN exit polls reported. Only 22 percent said Obamacare was just about right.

      How will GOP use these powerful election gains on Obamacare?

      GOP still will not have the needed 60 Senate Seats to repeal the Affordable Care Act. That said, they will now be able to pass budget rules on the legislation since the Courts ruled  individual mandate penalty as a “tax”. Reinsurance funds such as Risk corridors could also be on the chopping block.  Other examples would be the definition of “full-time” employee taxes on employer penalties (bipartisan support), medical devices & tanning salons etc.

      According to Huffington Post article GOP-Controlled Congress Expected To Try To Repeal, Weaken ACA while Republicans have been “chomping at the bit to repeal Obamacare” since it was signed into law in 2010, even a GOP-controlled Congress is unlikely to undo the law. However, that won’t stop Republicans from forcing at least one vote on repeal. President Obama “would then swiftly veto it, but not before Democratic senators were forced to cast a vote very directly in support of Obamacare, which remains generally unpopular.” Additionally, the GOP might take aim at several provisions of the ACA, such as the individual mandate, the employer mandate, the Independent Payment Advisory Board, and the medical device tax. Some Senate Democrats would likely join them in eliminating or amending some of these measures.

      A Democrat President governing with both Houses going GOP may not be so bad after all.  The successful Clinton Presidency had to contend with the same balancing act.  Two decades later, the key question is can both branches find a  common ground and a productive working relationship?


      For specific details on all available health plans in 2015, contact our team at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp  (855)667-4621.  We work in coordination with Navigators to assist with medicaid, CHIP Child Health Plus, Family Health Plus and Medicare Dual Eligibles.   We have Spanish, Russian, and Hebrew speakers available.  Quotes can also be viewed on our site.

      See Health Reform Resource


      Your Plan’s NCQA 2014 Rating

      Your Plan’s NCQA 2014 Rating

      Your Plan’s NCQA 2014 Rating

      How does your health plan’s quality rank?  The National Committee for Quality Assurance put out its 2014-2015 NCQA annual list of the best health plans, based on clinical performance, member satisfaction and NCQA accreditation surveys. Topping the list are Massachusettes insurers – Tufts, Harvard Pilgrim Health and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusettes.  The NY Metro area winners were Upstate’s Independent Health Association, Capital Districts Physician Health Plan and MVP.

      The NCQA believes its own health plan accreditation program and program data could useful to exchange programs, the NCQA says.  With so much more individual choice on both, the Marketplace Health Exchange and off-Exchange along with new Health Insurers this is an important consumer tool.

      About NCQA

      NCQA is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to improving health care quality. NCQA’s Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) is the most widely used performance measurement tool in health care. NCQA accredits and certifies a wide range of health care organizations and recognizes physicians in key clinical areas. NCQA is committed to providing health care quality information through the Web, media and data licensing agreements in order to help consumers, employers and others make more informed health care choices.

      NCQA accreditation ratings are based on three sets of measurements HEDIS®, CAHPS® and NCQA accreditation standards.  Health plans in every state, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico are NCQA Accredited. These plans cover 109 million Americans or 70.5 percent of all Americans enrolled in health plans.

      HEDIS is a set of standardized performance measures designed to ensure that purchasers and consumers have the information they need to reliably compare health care quality. The Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and System (CAHPS) is a survey mailed to select members asking them to rate their experience with the care given by their doctors and the services provided by their plans.

      How the Results of HEDIS and CAHPS Help Consumers
      Results from HEDIS and CAHPS enable consumers to understand how well  Insurers are fulfilling our clinical agenda to help members  stay healthy, get better quickly or live effectively with chronic illness. In addition, the scores facilitate our ability to identify areas of care and service where we can continue to improve. The results also enable us to compare our companies’ performance with other local and national health plans.

      The “Excellent” ratings our plans received demonstrate that members continue to receive high-quality health care and that they are satisfied with the service that their physicians, health care practitioners and health plans provide.

      HEDIS® (Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set) is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

      CAHPS® (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) is a registered trademark of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

      For more information about these plans and the full range of offerings available through MMS Inc. contact us today at (855) 667-4621.


      Health Plan Ranking Seal

      Your plans NCQA 2014 Rating

      NCQA Health Insurance Plan Rankings 2014-2015 

      Click on any Plan Name for details.

      Methodology and other information about the rankings is here

      To license an Excel version of the Summary and Detail-level Health Plan Rankings results Click Here or contact

      Health Plan Ranking Key

        • NCQA Accreditation is as of June 30, 2014
        • I= Insufficient data; NA = Not Applicable; NR = Not Reported
        • Specific plan demographic data is supplied by AIS’s Directory of Health Plans, Atlantic Services, Inc. (
        • To license an Excel version of the Summary and Detail-level Health Plan Rankings results Click Here or contact
      • † Indicates Special Needs Plan (SNP), according to CMS



      Immunizations are one of the top ten public health accomplishments of the twentieth century according to the CDCP (Center for Disease Control and Prevention).

      Talk with your health care provider, not just about childhood vaccines, but for adults also. This knowledge may help prevent illness and outbreaks due to vaccine preventable diseases. Vaccines are recommended throughout your lifetime. They are an important step in protecting against serious and sometimes deadly diseases.

      Vaccines are proven to protect children from fourteen serious diseases before the age of two. Adolescence from cancer caused by certain types of HPV, young adults from meningitis and people of all ages from flu, as well as, the aging population from various illnesses.

      New York State Immunization Requirements for School Entrance:Attendance1  Local States already requires specific vaccines for public school attendance. There is an assistance program offered, by the Pennsylvania department of health, to obtain vaccinations through federally funded “Vaccines for Children”, providing access to immunizations to low income, underinsured children through age 18. Uninsured children regardless of income are eligible for the Children’s health insurance program. Adults are encouraged also to review their immunizations with their physician, also checked with your individual insurance plan for coverage of adult immunizations, for the specific vaccines covered under your plan.

      Please refer to the “CDC” (Center for Disease Control) website for further information on types of immunizations suggested for pre-school, adolescents and adults.

      Please note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to replace the advice of a medical professional. To schedule your Employer day of wellness & flu vaccinations call us (855) 667-4621.

      Apple Watch Wearable Workout

      Apple Watch Wearable Workout

      Apple Watch Wearable Workout


      Apple Watch debut 9.9,14

      Alas, Apple has finally unveiled the  stylish Apple Watch at today’s celebrated  annual presentation.  This anticipated product has been talked about so long that its easy to forget its  a ground-breaking  invention. This gadget  is as much a story about fashion and health wellness as tech.

      Not surprisingly , the integration of health sensors is a key feature. While the exact specs were not released we do know it will measure heart rate, track steps, milage, calories and sleep, and its GPS system will synch with iPhone.  The watch is also designed to “learn” about the wearer, suggesting fitness goals. Apple has developed two different apps that should draw in both gym rats and casual movers.  Third Party apps are expected to follow.

      This will not be the first wearable workout device.  The real estate for your body by fitness companies has been converging but there is nothing arguably this aesthetically beautiful, comprehensively functional and scalable.  It will be interesting to see how these wearable  devices  AKA “Fitbit” is incorporated into work wellness programs.  This occupational health was covered in prior blog Wearable Workout at Work:

      “Employers incentivizing fitness by lowering lower insurance premiums in exchange for wearing fitness tracking bracelets.  Bloomberg reports that BP Plc  drive for occupational wellness offered an employee’s spouse the option “to wear a fitness-tracking bracelet from FitBit Inc. to earn points toward cheaper health insurance,” which is “an example of how companies, facing rising health expenses, are increasingly buying or subsidizing fitness-tracking devices to encourage employees and their dependents to be more fit……..UnitedHealth Group Inc. (UNH), Humana Inc. (HUM), Cigna Corp. (CI) and Highmark Inc. have developed similar programs, in which “consumers wear the device and the activity data is uploaded to an online system so it can be verified to give a person their reward.” The article notes, however, that “the moves also let employers and insurers gather more data about people’s lives, raising questions from privacy advocates,” one of whom notes that “when financial incentives are involved, Dixon said it forces employees’ hands and narrows the question of whether or not they should participate.”

      The catch?  The price tag of $349, unknown battery life  and oh yea it only works with the new iPhone 6.  Nevertheless, I must of course order one for myself for occupational reasons  as part of  wellness studies and future articles.

      Please contact us on setting up a wellness & fitness program for your  business at (855) 667+4621.  For MMS Corp previous blogs on wellness, click here. Please contact us on wellness initiatives for your  business at (855) 667+4621.