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Overtime Pay FLSA on HOLD

Overtime Pay FLSA on HOLD

Overtime Pay FLSA on HOLD

Overtime Pay FLSA on HOLD. Yesterday, Judge Amos Mazzant III issued an injunction blocking the overtime rule changes that were set to take effect on December 1.

The New FLSA Overtime Rules changes would have raised the white collar exemption from $455/week ($23,660/year) to $913/week ($47,476/year). This is welcome news for groups struggling with the impact of the rule-both to their budgets as well as its impact on workplace flexibility and employee morale.
Overtime Pay FLSA on HOLD

Overtime Pay FLSA on HOLD


At this time, employers do not need to implement changes by the December 1, 2016 deadline. After hearing the full case, the court could allow the rule to go forward. The incoming Trump Administration now has more time to make changes, including ending the rulemaking permanently or issuing a new rule with a more reasonable salary threshold, as SHRM and Employers have advocated.

Click below for full article.

Should you have any questions or need additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out and speak with our HR and Payroll Specialists.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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Understanding the Labels on Your Thanksgiving Turkey

Understanding the Labels on Your Thanksgiving Turkey

Understanding the Labels on Your Thanksgiving Turkey

Use this cheat sheet to help navigate labels when shopping for your Thanksgiving turkey

From our wellness partner, Cleveland Clinic

Understanding the Labels on Your Thanksgiving Turkey

There’s a lot to consider when shopping for your Thanksgiving turkey. Use this cheat sheet to help you navigate what the labels mean and ask the right questions so you’re bringing home a bird that suits your needs.

1. USDA-certified organic turkey

This means it was raised without antibiotics or pesticides, fed organic feed and given access to the outdoors. They are usually more expensive than grocery store turkeys and they need to be ordered a couple weeks before Thanksgiving.

2. Heirloom or Heritage turkey

Specific breeds of turkey that are naturally raised outdoors without hormones or antibiotics. This slower-growing turkey has a little more fat marbling, meaning a richer flavor and texture. These also need to be ordered a week or two ahead of Thanksgiving Day.

3. Conventional grocery store turkey

slide_3These are factory farmed turkeys known as the Broad Breasted White Turkey. They are bred to have more white meat and typically raised with antibiotics to promote growth.

4. “Enhanced,” “prebasted” or “marinated”

slide_4These labels mean the turkey has been injected with a solution to enhance flavor, increasing its sodium content from 75 mg to as much as 710 mg. Read the fine print so you know all of the ingredients.

5. “Hormone-free” or “No hormones added”

slide_5This is a misleading label you can ignore. It implies a healthier choice, but federal regulations already prohibit the use of hormones in poultry.

6. “Natural”

slide_6A turkey labeled natural can still be enhanced or prebasted and fed antibiotics. It is supposed to mean minimally processed, containing no artificial flavoring, coloring, ingredients, preservatives or other artificial ingredients. Read the fine print to know all of the ingredients and talk to your grocer.

7. Final Tip

slide_7If you’re buying a bird from a local poultry farmer, be sure to ask how it was raised and whether or not it’s been enhanced with a solution to add flavor.




Gobble! Gobble! We hope you all enjoy the long Thanksgiving weekend.  Get the latest on healthcare news  on our website.
1095 Filing Extended to March 2, 2017

1095 Filing Extended to March 2, 2017

1095 Filing Extended to March 2, 2017.

The employer reporting deadlines are delayed, not deleted! When are the 1095 filing forms due?

Delivered to the Employee
Delivered to the IRS (Paper)
Delivered to the IRS (Electronically)
What does this mean?
Similar to last year, the IRS is making an accommodation to employers to prepare their forms.  The filings are still due to the IRS as per the original deadline.  Our HR/Payroll parters are still prepared to help your compliance needs and meet all of the deadlines and reporting burdens.
For a copy of Notice, please click on the link below:
Please contact our team for immediate answers on your HR/Payroll/Compliance needs at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp (855)667-4621 for immediate answers.
Note: This delay does not impact the timing of Form 1095 A, Health Insurance Marketplace Statement. 1095 A is the form you receive if you purchase your health insurance through the Marketplace and not through your employe
See FAQ here 1095-C FAQ ALE
Alex Miller
See FAQ here
2017 Election Results and ACA

2017 Election Results and ACA

2017 Election Results and ACA

The 2017 Election Results and ACA  is a hot topic creating buzz. With the outcome of the 2016 elections now official, the Republicans will hold the majority in both chambers of Congress and control of the White House beginning in 2017.  Our posting   CLINTON VS TRUMP ON HEALTHCARE was a general summary of their differences on Healthcare.

Since President-elect Trump ran on a platform of “Replace and Repeal” of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), we anticipate that acting on this campaign promise will be one of the top priorities of the new Trump administration. We anticipate there will be significant disruption for individuals, employers, brokers and carriers across the country.

Republicans will likely need to use the process of Budget Reconciliation to pass legislation through the Senate, given the party did not secure enough seats to control a filibuster-proof supermajority. In other words, the legislation can pass in the Senate with a simple majority vote and not a super majority (which requires 60 votes).  Reconciliation can be used to take away some, but not all, of the ACA.  It is anticipated that certain provisions of the ACA would be targeted such as Medicaid expansion, the availability of subsidies and premium tax credits in the Marketplace, and the employer and individual mandate.  It cannot be used to remove non-budgetary provisions (for example, insurance mandates like “to age 26”).  In addition, it is conceivable that a Trump administration may simply direct various federal agencies (such as the Department of Labor) to not enforce certain ACA provisions.

The Republicans have not laid out a specific plan on what will replace the ACA. Generally, the party has supported the existing employer-based system (with some party members calling for limits on the tax exclusion). Based on published white papers on the President-elect Trump’s website, other aspects of a healthcare overhaul plan may include:

  • Tax credits for purchasing individual health insurance;
  • Expansion of Health Savings Accounts and HighDeductible Health Plans;
  • Continuation of the prohibition on pre-existing condition exclusions from health insurance;
  • High risk pools;washington-dc
  • Interstate sales of insurance; andMedical malpractice reform.

The process to repeal and replace the ACA will take time and nothing will happen between now and the New Year. Open enrollment is currently underway in the Marketplaces across the country and it is expected that individual policies (and subsidies for lower and middle-income individuals) will be available to enrollees as of January 1, 2017. What is unknown is whether the Trump administration and subsequent legislation will affect the Marketplace and subsidies in mid-2017 or instead phase out this coverage after the 2017 calendar year.

  • The employer mandate (for applicable large employers);
  • Form 1094-C and 1095-C reporting for CalendarYear 2016;
  • Any ACA taxes and fees for self-funded plans to pay directly (such as reinsurance fees); and
  • Plan design changes applicable to plan years thatbegin on or after January 1, 2017.

In addition, all other federal law mandates impacting employer health and welfare plans such as ERISA,HIPAA, COBRA, Code Section 125, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, and the Service Contract Act / Davis Bacon and Related Acts are still good law. There has been no indication that these non-ACA laws are targeted for repeal or replacement.

Stay tuned for updates as more information gets released.   Sign up for latest news updates.  Please contact our team on your 2017 health plan renewal at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp (855)667-4621 for immediate answers.

Why a Private Exchange?

Why a Private Exchange?

Why a Private Exchange? A Private Exchange Answers These Top 10 Questions.

Why a Private Exchange?

  1. Defined Contribution: I don’t want to get involved in peoples individual health insurance needs. How does the Employer extricate from this very personal and important employee need and yet still offer this benefit? I like the defined contribution similar to a 401k.


  1. Tax Advantages: How do I offer the group and employee pre-tax advantages not offered on an individual basis?


  1. Group Insurance Upgrade: How do I upgrade from the diminishing individual market and meet strict group underwriting? Rates are higher, smaller networks and lower benefits in this segment.


  1. Full Fortune 500 Benefits: How do I offer balanced voluntary benefits similar to a Fortune 500 company? Some employees are asking for group discounted dental, vision, disability, life insurance and supplemental coverage such as AFLAC but we can’t guarantee the minimum participations.


  1. Simplify: I don’t have the time needed to make annual plan changes. How do I empower my employees with choice, education and various networks to make their own choices? Many times I’d just rather absorb the 10% increase than deal with the changes.


  1. Choice: I have employees all over the Metro area. How can you help me offer more than 1 or 2 health plans as benefits have become more complex and networks increasingly narrow geographic sensitive in nature?


  1. Technologies: Can you give me the technologies needed to make this paperless? Do you have a platform that I can use as an intranet communication portal? Can I securely store documents such Employee handbooks and notification?


  1. Added Value: Can you offer additional supporting tools aside from technology? Do you have COBRA and section 125 cafeteria documents?


  1. HR: Do you have an HR Services for Employers Support? Will you have employee support such as a 24/7 independent CS concierge services?


  1. Personalization: Will I have an in person experienced knowledgeable consultant available for support on plan design, metrics, and customer care and employee open enrollment?


Is a Private Exchange Right For My Group?

If you’re a small business owner who has concerns about payroll, filing paperwork, and complying with government regulations, co-employment may be the service you’ve been looking for.  In some cases, a Private Exchange may NOT be right for you. With Health Care Reform your company may qualify for a small business tax credit or a be eligible for a large group discount under a PEO.

Try us on a custom demo, contact us at (855)667-4621 .


Private Exchange White Papers 

Video Easecentral Benefits Online Enrollment

2017 Individual Open Enrollment

2017 Individual Open Enrollment

2017 Individual Open Enrollment

Everything you need to know ahead of tomorrow’s 2017 Individual Open Enrollment.  This Open Enrollment  marks the 4th anniversary of Obamacare a.ka. The Affordable Care Act.  As a helpful resource, the new NY and NJ rates with important deadlines are listed below.   33 States such as NJ use the website or at  States such as NY and CT use their own Marketplace –  NYS of Health and AccessHealth CT.  Importantly,  individuals not expecting a subsidy may also apply Off-Exchange which in many case has  more options and Insurers.

2017 NY Individual Health Plans

2017 Individual Open EnrollmentThese rates are for New York City unless otherwise indicated, and for a single person. For a family premium, multiply by 2.85, Husband/Wife
multiply by 2.0 and Parent/Children multiply by 1.70.  The non single deductibles are  out of pocket maximums are doubled. These are for standard plans, which two-thirds of customers enrolled in during 2016.

While deductibles for platinum, gold and silver plans have stayed the same, many bronze plan deductibles have increased 33 percent. That means consumers who purchase a bronze plan — presumably for its lower monthly premium — are paying more out of pocket for their medical costs before their insurance company kicks in a dime. A family of four that purchased a bronze plan will have an $8,000 deductible in 2017, up from $6,000 in 2015. For someone young and relatively healthy, that might be OK, but that person is vulnerable to a very large bill if he or she needs expensive medical care. It’s the platinum plans where New York State really shows itself to be a national outlier. Roughly 18 percent of New Yorkers chose a platinum plan in 2016, compared to 2 percent across the nation, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Here are the 2017 rates:


2017 NJ Individual Health Plans

NJ Dept of Banking and Insurance posted the 2017 NJ  individual health plans Monday. Only two carriers will offer plans on the state’s Obamacare marketplace next year: Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey and AmeriHealth.

Additional insurers are participating  off-exchange or outside the Marketplace.   Examples:  Aetna, CIGNA and Oxford.  There are additional 20 plan options available off exchange. A notable new entrant, Health Republic of NJ, will no longer be available for 2017.  See – Health Republic NJ Shutting Down.

Here are the 2017 rates:



Top 10 medical innovations for 2017

Top 10 medical innovations for 2017

Top 10 medical innovations for 2017

The Cleveland Clinic announced its list of the top 10 medical innovations for 2017  that have the potential to transform healthcare.cleveland-clinic

The 11th annual list was announced Wednesday during the Cleveland Clinic 2016 Medical Innovation Summit, held this week at the Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland and the adjacent Global Center for Health Innovation.

A team of more than 100 doctors and researchers assembled by the Clinic examined nearly 200 nominations to identify and rank the top 10 innovations. The panel doesn’t highlight brands or companies, but rather the innovation and its potential applications in healthcare.

The Top 10 Medical Innovations of 2017 are listed below in order of anticipated importance:

1. Using the microbiome to prevent, diagnose and treat disease

Trillions of bacteria in the body make up communities known as the microbiome. Within the last 10 years, researchers have discovered that the chemicals microbes emit can interfere with how food is digested, medicine is deployed or how a diseases progresses.

The National Microbiome Initiative has accelerated research and development, and biotech companies are looking at the microbiome’s potential to develop new diagnostics or therapies and probiotic products to prevent microbe imbalances.

Experts believe that next year the microbiome will solidify itself as “the health care industry’s most promising and lucrative frontier,” according to a news release.

2. Diabetes drugs that reduce cardiovascular disease and death

In the past, medications have fallen far short of addressing the mortality rates for type 2 diabetes. Half will die from complications from cardiovascular disease. Those odds reach 70% after the age of 65. But new medications began dropping mortality rates this year.

Empaglifozin modifies the progression of heart disease by working with the kidneys, and liraglutide has a comprehensive effect on many organs, according to the release.

2017 could bring a complete shift in the medicines prescribed and further research into new ways to target type 2 diabetes, experts predict.

3. Cellular immunotherapy to treat leukemia and lymphomas

One of the first cellular immunotherapies is about to hit the market, and early results suggest leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphomas might be curable, even in advanced stages, according to the release.

Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapies are a form of immunotherapy in which T-cells are removed and genetically reprogrammed to find and destroy tumor cells. After attacking and killing foreign cancer cells, they often remain to minimize the risk of relapse.

The treatment, results for which have been impressive, is expected to be presented to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration next year for treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

4. Liquid biopsies to find circulating tumor DNA

“Liquid biopsies” are blood tests that uncover signs of actual DNA, or cell-free circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), which is shed from a tumor into the bloodstream and is more than 100 times more abundant in blood than tumor cells.

Several companies are developing testing kits expected to hit the market this year.

Liquid biopsies are being hailed as a flagship technology of the Cancer Moonshot Initiative, a national effort to end cancer.

5. Automated car safety features and driverless capabilities

New automatic safety features could make a dent in dangerous car accidents, which remain a leading cause of death and disability as well as a major expense. In 2015, there were 38,300 fatal car crashes in 2015, and medical costs nationwide in one year total nearly $23 billion nationwide.

The automated features include collision warning systems, drowsiness alerts and adaptive cruise control. More are likely coming.

Though legal and safety questions remain, major investments into driverless cars are being made by software, private transportation and auto manufacturing companies.

6. Fast healthcare interoperability resources

For many years, billing departments, doctors’ offices, insurance companies and more have operated with systems that couldn’t talk with each other. Experts predict that 2017 is the year to make sense of this tangled web.

An international committee called HL7 will soon release a new tool, FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources), which will serve as an interpreter between systems or offices. The first release will focus on clinical data while the second will look at administrative data, with the potential to end a lot of frustration.

7. Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression

For one third of patients with depression, medications don’t work. Alternatives include intensive treatment options, such as electroconvulsive therapy.

Initial studies of ketamine, a drug commonly used for anesthesia, indicated that 70% of patients with treatment-resistant-depression (“TRD”) saw an improvement in symptoms within 24 hours of a low-dose injection. Ketamine, also known in the 1960s as a party drug, was studied for its ability to target and inhibit the action of N-methyl-D-aspartate (“NMDA”) receptors of nerve cells.

The FDA granted Fast Track Status to the development of a new NMDA-receptor-targeting medications based on the ketamine profile. The FDA gave some, like esketamine, breakthrough status, enhancing the potential for these drugs to be available to patients in 2017.

8. 3D visualization and augmented reality for surgery

Two of the most intricate surgical practices, ophthalmology and neurology, began experimenting in the past year with technology that allows surgeons to keep their heads up while using high-resolution, 3D visual representations of their subjects.

Using data, stereoscopic systems create visual templates. Surgeons who’ve piloted the technology say it brings added comfort and visual information that allows them to operate more effectively and efficiently while also giving medical residents a clear picture of what they’re doing.

Augmented reality glasses that display holographic images of human anatomy could bring the end of cadaver labs at medical schools.

Along the same lines, software companies are building augmented reality glasses that display holographic images of human anatomy. Medical schools see the end of cadaver labs. The Clinic and Case Western Reserve University were among the early adopters to work with Microsoft’s HoloLens, a mixed reality device that allows users to interact with holograms.

9. Self-administered HPV test

Most sexually active woman contract the human papilloma virus (HPV), certain strains of which are responsible for 99% of cases of cervical cancer. The most common malignancy is in women 35 years and younger.

HPV prevention and treatment, which have made great strides, are restricted to women who have access to tests and vaccines.

An approach to expand that care will launch in 2017 with self-administered HPV test kits developed by scientists with the idea that women can mail samples to a lab and be alerted to dangerous HPV strains.

10. Bioabsorbable stents

In July, the first bioabsorbable stent was approved in the U.S. The stent, made of a naturally dissolving polymer, widens clogged arteries for two years before being absorbed much like dissolvable sutures, leaving behind a healthy natural artery.

Annually 600,000 people are treated for coronary artery blockage with metal coronary stents, which stay in their chests permanently most of the time. These stents may inhibit natural blood flow or cause other complications.

Experts believe the market potential for absorbable stents will approach $2 billion in six years.

Cleveland Clinic announces top 10 medical innovations for 2017” originally appeared in Crain’s Cleveland Business.

2017 NJ Individual Health Plans

2017 NJ Individual Health Plans

2017 NJ Individual Health Plans   2017 NJ Individual Health Plans

NJ Dept of Banking and Insurance posted the 2017 NJ  individual health plans Monday. Only two carriers will offer plans on the state’s Obamacare marketplace next year: Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey and AmeriHealth.

Additional insurers are participating  off-exchange or outside the Marketplace.   Examples:  Aetna, CIGNA and Oxford.  There are additional 20 plan options available off exchange. A notable new entrant, Health Republic of NJ, will no longer be available for 2017.  See – Health Republic NJ Shutting Down.

Here are the 2017 rates:


Empire Strikes Back – 2017 Plans

Empire Strikes Back – 2017 Plans

Empire Strikes Back – 2017 PlansEmpire blue cross 2017 plans

Empire recently announced  their re-entry back into the New York small group market for 2017. A legendary broad networked PPO is welcome news especially in the NY small group market of 1-100 employees.  Recently, the broad national networks have  diminished to only 2 national health insurers, Aetna and Oxford.  As a result of Empire Blue Cross participation in the BlueCard PPO program members enjoy unparalleled national access network to 96% of hospitals and 93% of doctors across the country. This national program will be on 18 of 28 plans below.

Network Overview

3 distinct networks:

PPO Network Savings

PPO Network Savings

  1.  PPO/EPO Network – traditional non-gatekeeper large network of approximately 85,384 physicians, 160 facilities and the BlueCard PPO
  2. Blue Priority Network – hybrid of broad PPO/EPO 160 facilities  and similar Pathway’s 65,796 physicians network.
  3. Pathway Network –  HMO value based narrower gatekeeper referral network of 109 facilities and 60,535 physicians. Limited to 28 NYS Counties.

Additional Features:

  •   Telemedicine will be available on all products
  •   Vision –  Limited adult vision will be available on all products at no additional cost.empires-whole-health-connection
  •   Pharmacy – All plans use their large BCBS formulary Except the HMOs, and the Silver and Bronze Blue Priority Plans. They will be utilizing what they call the Select Formulary.
  •  Clinical Programs – health coaching/advocacy, disease management, behavioral health, maternity and Gaps in Care
  •  Online Resources – wellness coaching, discounts, health assessments and The Weight Center.
  •   Healthy Support – Wellness program offers easy ways to earn up to $900 per member, per year.  Gym Reimbursement  $400 single/$600 couple, $100 Wellness + Flu Shot, Online Wellness toolkit, up to $150 and $50 Tobacco-free certification online.



BENEFITS SUMMARY: OXFORD Platinum, Gold, Silver AND Bronze

Small Group Rates:  1st Quarter 2017

Drug Formulary: Click Here

Blue Priority  FAQ: Click Here 

Pathway FAQ: Click Here

Ask us about Empire’s flexible low participation voluntary group dental, vision,  disability and life insurance plans. Stay proactive and contact us today for a customized consult on how your organization can prepare  ahead  for ACA, Benefits, Payroll and HR  @ (855) 667-4621 or
