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Millennium Medical Solutions in the News

Millennium Medical Solutions in the News


Millennium Medical Solutions in the News:   We were quoted in last issue’s CNN/MONEY article on “Health Care: The hidden business killer”.

Health care, in general, is the 2nd or 3rd largest cost of doing business and clients have been taking numerous steps to rein in costs.  It is in these financially challenging times that we are troubled by the wisdom of possibly passing a NYS sales tax surcharge of 3%.  The following recent print and audio interview with President of Empire Blue Cross, Mark Wager, was discussed at last Monday’s legislative budget hearings on health care and Medicaid.

Health care heavyweights from all across the state met before legislators today to warn them what will happen to their industry if cuts are made. The governor’s proposed budget slashes nearly $2.5 billion from health care alone. Randy Simons breaks down what this means for your coverage and also for the treatment that you receive.