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Health Advocate

Health Advocate

Health Advocate is a concierge service partner provided by Millennium Medical Solutions Corp.  It can help you and your eligible family members connect to your benefits, resolve healthcare and insurance-related issues, improve your health and balance your work and life.  For more information, check out the One Call Number for all your healthcare needs.

Health Advocate also offers workshops to help you quit smoking, lose weight and more!  Log in to your member portal to check out the additional resources! Check out any of the following wellness resources by clicking the links below:

Don’t forget to also connect with their blog for more health resources by clicking here or you can peak through the Health Advocate newsletter archives at the links at the bottom of this page.

Looking for something else?  Learn more about what Health Advocate has to offer you by clicking here:  health advocateHealthAdvocate Logo

Access Your Member Website
Log on to the website:
• Download member essentials
• Access your Wellness program
• Reach EAP and Work/Life services
…and much more


Contacting Health Advocate

Call:  866.799.2691


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