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HSA 2011 Limits

HSA 2011 Limits

The Internal Revenue Service has released the 2011 limits for health savings accounts (HSAs) and for high-deductible health plans (HDHPs), to which HSAs must be linked. The amounts for 2011 are unchanged from 2010.

In Revenue Procedure 2010-22, issued on May 24, 2010, the IRS provides the inflation-adjusted HSA contribution and HDHP minimum deductible and out-of-pocket limits for 2011. Under the cost-of-living adjustment and rounding rules of Internal Revenue Code section 223, the 2011 amounts are unchanged from the amounts for 2010. The 2011 amounts are shown below.

2011 Limits for Health Savings Accounts and High-Deductible Health Plans

HDHP minimum deductible amounts

Individual: $1,200
Family: $2,400

HDHP maximum out-of-pocket amounts

Individual: $5,950
Family: $11,900

HSA statutory contribution amount

Individual: $3,050
Family $6,150

HSA catch-up contributions (age 55 or older)


HSA/HDHP Market Growth

HSA holders own the assets in the accounts and can build up substantial sums over time.  Enrollment in HSA-compatible insurance plans has increased to 10 million earlier this year, from 1 million in March 2005, according to, America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), a trade group.

HSAs were authorized starting in January 2004. Since then, AHIP has conducted a periodic census of health plans participating in the HSA/HDHP market.

Between January 2009 and January 2010, the fastest growing market for HSA/HDHP products was large-group coverage, which rose by 33 percent, followed by small-group coverage, which grew by 22 percent.

30 percent of individuals covered by an HSA plan were in the small group market, 50 percent were in the large-group market, and the       remaining 20 percent were in the individual market.

States with the highest levels of HSA/HDHP enrollment were California, Ohio, Florida, Texas, Illinois and Minnesota

HSA Advantages:

Opportunity to build savings – Unused money stays in your account from year to year and earns tax-free interest. The HSA also gives you an investment opportunity.

Tax-free contributions and earnings – You don’t pay taxes on contributions or earnings.

Tax Free Money allowed for non traditional Medical coverage– As per IRS Publication 502, unused moneys can be used  for dental,vision, lasik eye surgery, acupuncture, yoga, infertility etc.  Popular Examples

Portability – The funds belong to you, so you keep the funds if you change jobs or retire.

Our overall experience with HSAs have been positive  when employer funding is at minimum 50% using either the HSA or an HRA (Health Reimbursement Account-employer keeps unspent money).  Traditional plans trend of higher copays and new in network deductibles has also led to the popularity of an HSA.

For more customized information and how to navigate this please contact us:

Millennium Medical Solutions Corp.

200 Business Park Drive

Armonk, NY 10504


Happy 2009!

Happy 2009!

Happy Holidays!

We are pleased to present the Winter issue of the MMS newsletter. As we enter 2009 we want include some timely information on year end tips, house cleaning and helpful articles.

As guidance for 2009, we are seeing various industry patterns.  These are heady economic times and we remain cautiously optimistic with the new presidential administration.  There are many proposed legislations on the table as well as free reports from PriceWaterHouse Cooper reports on what “Employers Want” and “9 Trends for 2009”.

We have seen recent consolidations with recent mergers between GHI and HIP to form EmblemHealth. Both non profits follow the Empire Blue Cross for-profit conversion of 5 years ago and covered in my blog.

Insurers such as Aetna, Empire and Oxford have been dropping Pharmaceutical Benefits Management companies and using their own resources instead.  As self acting PBMs’ they can negotiate effectively by using their large numbers.  This trend has not gone unnoticed by Pharmacy retailers such as CVS and Walgreens who must compete with mail order PBMs’.

Pharmaceutical Corps are bracing themselves for brand expirations on 80% of the most commonly prescribed drugs within 2 years.  They have issued double digit rate increases while simultaneously manufacturing generics of their own drugs. This will make sense as generics average 1/4 the cost of brands.  In fact, this will be a significant future cost saver as Rx have doubled in 10 years and represents over 25% of our insurance costs.

Insurers are saving members 20-40% by including value added discounts or reimbursements for gym membership, weight management programs, alternative medicine & holistic healing, vision, laser vision care, dental , hearing care and vitamins/natural supplements.

The technology investments will improve patient care and the public is already seeing early payoffs. Various online medical sites have helped inform patients and advocacy.  Insurers such as Empire actually offer a $5 Copay to interact with one’s doctor online.

In addition, “consumer driven healthcare plans” are taking off as copays have risen.  Its not unusual to find plans with specialist $50 copay.  As a result our consumers have been re-evaluating whether it makes sense to self insure on rare items such as hoispiatls and surgeries.  The HSA (health Savings Account) a model, especially the one form Aetna, has become actually a high end plan since the savings are significant enough to self insure and have universal coverage. The average PPO plan is $650/single while an HSA at $370/single only asks that you self insure on $1500.  The invisible hand leading you say?  Agreed!

Perhaps things will be more localized as hospitals have consolidated and have a virtual monopoly in LI and Bronx as an example.  Insurers such as Oxford, Aetna and Atlantis already offer localized NYC plans which are 30% less expensive but have a limited NYC network.

Our agency has strived to be ahead of the curve and keep our clients within budget regardless.  We have employed creative tools, personalized advise and latest technologies in the past and plan on adding to this model going forward.  We thank you all for reading our material, referring us business and most of all believing in us!

Once again thank you and we wish you and your family a wonderful Holiday Season!