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Share this site on other social networks. As a member of the WellPoint Health Action Network,, I am writing to encourage you to join as well. The U.S. needs a strong, sustainable health care system. As a nation, we must take thoughtful steps...

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Health Care Reform – Final House Bill Released!

Health Care Reform – Final House Bill Released!

In the absence of tort reform, however, and an expected 21% reduction in Medicare reimbursement this will negatively affect providers. In speaking with our client physician groups and national polls this could lead unintended consequences such 25% retirement and reduction of new physicians. Could this lead to more prescribing privileges and responsibilities for Physician Assistants, Nurses and Pharmacists?

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The Reality Moment

This NY Times Op-Ed  by David Brooks is what I mean by when discussing healthcare we need to discuss together the troika - healthcare, tort reform and military spending.  Each one represents an incredible beaurocracy and big business with only the strong willed ready...

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Health Care Reform!

Health Care Reform!

Health Care Reform! Ok so unless you've been stuck in the Arctic for a year you've been hearing a lot about this heated topic.  Everyone has strong feelings about it evidently, I myself included, but I have stayed away from the fray for the most part. As congress...

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Governor Signs COBRA Extender, Dependent Coverage to Age 29 & HMO Reform Bills

As expected, Governor David Paterson has signed 3 of his healthcare reform proposals into law, to wit: S.5471 (Breslin) / A.8400 (Peoples) - extends state mini-COBRA from 18 to 36 months.  Effective date is July 1, 2009 and shall apply to all policies and contracts of...

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Twitter Highlights

Twitter Highlights

In my few moments of writers block (procrastination) last month I've been experimenting with the effect of Twitter’s microblogging. What have I learned? The primary thing that you need to know is that the world of Twitter is wide open to new participants, whether...

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Obama Healthcare Reform Promises

Obama Healthcare Reform Promises

Obama Healthcare Reform Promises HealthDay (1/20, Pallarito) reported, "Early indications now suggest that, despite an ailing economy -- or perhaps because of it," President Barack Obama "is resolved to keep his promise" to reform healthcare. He was praised for "his...

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Happy 2009!

Happy 2009!

Happy Holidays! We are pleased to present the Winter issue of the MMS newsletter. As we enter 2009 we want include some timely information on year end tips, house cleaning and helpful articles. As guidance for 2009, we are seeing various industry patterns.  These are...

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10th Year Anniversary

Greetings! We are pleased to announce our 10th year anniversary this past March. Back in 1998, the average HMO was only $325/month with office copays at only $10. Then again, gas prices were $2.50, there was Monicagate saga, Google was just a neophyte startup, the Y2K...

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HIP/GHI Merger

HIP and GHI merger. GHI and HIP have been working since 2005 on merging under a common parent, EmblemHealth, serving more than four million members across the tri-state area. As sister companies, GHI and HIP has continued to operate separately until they get NY State...

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Hello world!

Today, march 25th, 2008 I will start a blog. Blogging has fascinated me as a way of sharing ideas with people. Unlike my website, I can quickly share topical points of interest, highlight links, and info on the local NY Healthcare market. In today’s age, I can’t...

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