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NYS DFS Announces CareConnect Exit

NYS DFS Announces CareConnect Exit

NYS DFS Announces CareConnect Exit

Join us for Oct 25th Webinar.

We have been informed that the NY DFS has recently approved the following measures in the process of CareConnect exiting the market:
  • For individuals the market exit date is 12/31/2017.
  • For Small Group the market exit date is 11/30/2017.

All groups renewing starting 12/1/17 will no longer be accepted.  Currently active group business will end on the last day of their policy year (For example, a 9/1/17 effective will remain in force until 8/31/18).

With recent announcement “CareConnect Withdraws from NYS Market” a Healthfirst addition to the NY Small Business market is especially important.  In many instances the Healthfirst plans have a more robust network than CareConnect for NYC and LI.  Namely, they have the same hospitals North Shore LIJ(Northwell), Maimonides, but additionally key hospitals such as Mt. Sinai, NYU, Lenox Hill + urgent cares such as CityMD and GO-Health.  Rates are approximately $100/month higher for singles for example than CareConnect and would not be an automatic decision to move to Healthfirst.






 RSVP a FREE web-meeting below.

Learn how a Healthfirst EPO on your very own Private Exchange can help your group.Please contact us at or (855)667-4621. 

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NEW 2018 Healthfirst for NY Small Business

Healthfirst has released affordable new 2018 plans for NY small businesses and not a moment too soon.  With the recent exit of popular CareConnect of NY the market is starving for an affordable option.

About HealthFirst

Healthfirst had entered the small business market Jan 1, 2017. Healthfirst is a provider-sponsored health insurance company that serves more than 1.2 million members in downstate New York and Nassau county. Healthfirst offers top-quality Medicaid, Medicare Advantage, Child Health Plus, and Managed Long Term Care plans. Healthfirst Leaf Qualified Health Plans and the Healthfirst Essential Plan are offered on NY State of Health, The Official Health Plan Marketplace. Healthfirst offers Healthfirst Pro and Pro Plus, Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) plans for small-business owners and their employees, and Healthfirst Total, an EPO for individuals.

The Healthfirst options include four Pro EPO plans with comprehensive benefits and pediatric dental and vision coverage that span all the metal tiers (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum). With Healthfirst plans, employees will have access to key features, including preventive and wellness visits (including annual checkups, vaccinations, and mammograms); a multilin

gual member services team; access to telemedicine via Teladoc; a robust choice of in-network doctors, specialists, hospitals, and urgent care centers; behavioral health and substance abuse services; coverage for acupuncture visits; and a user-friendly member portal that enables members to proactively manage their care.


Healthifrst’s new January 2018 rates are in fact virtually the same as 4thQ 2017. Example, a single rate is approximately $2-$3 higher. Today’s largest networks with popular in-network only GOLD  are priced at  $857/single monthly. By comparison the Healthfirst Gold plan is $717 annualy or 15% less expensive.  For platinum the price gap jumps are even higher – $1050/single vs $850/single.

  •  Members have access to a broad network of providers and dozens of industry-leading hospitals.
  • Community locations throughout New York City, Long Island and parts of Westchester.
  •  Dental and vision coverage, 24/7 telemedicine access, acupuncture, exercise reward programs.

All Metal Levels will be included for all size groups including 1-99 market.  Referral’s are not needed to vsisit a Specialist MD but one must select a Primary Care Physician on the enrollment form.

NEW 2018 Healthfirst for NY Small Business

NEW 2018 Healthfirst for NY Small Business

NEW 2018 Healthfirst for NY Small Business

Healthfirst has released affordable new 2018 plans for NY small businesses and not a moment too soon.  With the recent exit of popular CareConnect of NY the market is starving for an affordable option.

About HealthFirst

Healthfirst had entered the small business market Jan 1, 2017. Healthfirst is a provider-sponsored health insurance company that serves more than 1.2 million members in downstate New York and Nassau county. Healthfirst offers top-quality Medicaid, Medicare Advantage, Child Health Plus, and Managed Long Term Care plans. Healthfirst Leaf Qualified Health Plans and the Healthfirst Essential Plan are offered on NY State of Health, The Official Health Plan Marketplace. Healthfirst offers Healthfirst Pro and Pro Plus, Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) plans for small-business owners and their employees, and Healthfirst Total, an EPO for individuals.

The Healthfirst options include four Pro EPO plans with comprehensive benefits and pediatric dental and vision coverage that span all the metal tiers (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum). With Healthfirst plans, employees will have access to key features, including preventive and wellness visits (including annual checkups, vaccinations, and mammograms); a multilin

gual member services team; access to telemedicine via Teladoc; a robust choice of in-network doctors, specialists, hospitals, and urgent care centers; behavioral health and substance abuse services; coverage for acupuncture visits; and a user-friendly member portal that enables members to proactively manage their care.


Healthifrst’s new January 2018 rates are in fact virtually the same as 4thQ 2017. Example, a single rate is approximately $2-$3 higher. Today’s largest networks with popular in-network only GOLD  are priced at  $857/single monthly. By comparison the Healthfirst Gold plan is $717 annualy or 15% less expensive.  For platinum the price gap jumps are even higher – $1050/single vs $850/single.

  •  Members have access to a broad network of providers and dozens of industry-leading hospitals.
  • Community locations throughout New York City, Long Island and parts of Westchester.
  •  Dental and vision coverage, 24/7 telemedicine access, acupuncture, exercise reward programs.

All Metal Levels will be included for all size groups including 1-99 market.  Referral’s are not needed to vsisit a Specialist MD but one must select a Primary Care Physician on the enrollment form.

Attention CareConnect Clients:

Join us for Oct 25th Webinar.

We have been informed that the NY DFS has recently approved the following measures in the process of CareConnect exiting the market:
  • For individuals the market exit date is 12/31/2017.
  • For Small Group the market exit date is 11/30/2017.

All groups renewing starting 12/1/17 will no longer be accepted.  Currently active group business will end on the last day of their policy year (For example, a 9/1/17 effective will remain in force until 8/31/18).

With recent announcement “CareConnect Withdraws from NYS Market” a Healthfirst addition to the NY Small Business market is especially important.  In many instances the Healthfirst plans have a more robust network than CareConnect for NYC and LI.  Namely, they have the same hospitals North Shore LIJ(Northwell), Maimonides, but additionally key hospitals such as Mt. Sinai, NYU, Lenox Hill + urgent cares such as CityMD and GO-Health.  Rates are approximately $100/month higher for singles for example than CareConnect and would not be an automatic decision to move to Healthfirst.





Learn how a Healthfirst on your very own Private Exchange can help your group. Please contact us at or (855)667-4621. 

Newsletter Sign Up Now

Healthpass Adds HealthFirst

Healthpass Adds HealthFirst

Healthpass Adds HealthFirst 

HealthPass New York, a private health insurance exchange for small businesses, announces that it will offer Healthfirst insurance plans to small business employers in the metropolitan New York City area. Healthfirst, a provider-sponsored health plan serving more than 1.2 million members in New York City and on Long Island, offers small employer group EPO plans to fit the needs of hardworking New Yorkers.

HealthPass will offer Healthfirst Pro EPO plans to eligible employers that employ between one to 100 employees. These plans are available to small businesses with employees who live, work, or reside in New York City and Nassau County. Eligible employers and their employees can begin enrolling in the Healthfirst plans now for coverage that would take effect as early as December 1, 2017.

The Healthfirst options include four Pro EPO plans with comprehensive benefits and pediatric dental and vision coverage that span all the metal tiers (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum). With Healthfirst plans, employees will have access to key features, including preventive and wellness visits (including annual checkups, vaccinations, and mammograms); a multilingual member services team; access to telemedicine via Teladoc; a robust choice of in-network doctors, specialists, hospitals, and urgent care centers; behavioral health and substance abuse services; coverage for acupuncture visits; and a user-friendly member portal that enables members to proactively manage their care.

About HealthFirst

Healthfirst had entered the small business market Jan 1, 2017. Healthfirst is a provider-sponsored health insurance company that serves more than 1.2 million members in downstate New York and Nassau county. Healthfirst offers top-quality Medicaid, Medicare Advantage, Child Health Plus, and Managed Long Term Care plans. Healthfirst Leaf Qualified Health Plans and the Healthfirst Essential Plan are offered on NY State of Health, The Official Health Plan Marketplace. Healthfirst offers Healthfirst Pro and Pro Plus, Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) plans for small-business owners and their employees, and Healthfirst Total, an EPO for individuals.

Attention CareConnect Clients:

With recent announcement “CareConnect Withdraws from NYS Market” a Healthfirst addition is especially important.  In many instances the Healthfirst plans have a more robust network than CareConnect for NYC and LI.  Namely, they have the same hospitals North Shore LIJ(Northwell), Maimonides, but additionally key hospitals such as Mt. Sinai, NYU, Lenox Hill + urgent cares such as CityMD and GO-Health.  Rates are approximately $100/month higher for singles for example than CareConnect and would not be an automatic decision to move to Healthfirst.

Next Step:

Please register for Oct 25, 2017 1:00PM Webinar or set up a one on one online meeting here.

NYS PFL Paid Family Leave Checklist

NYS PFL Paid Family Leave Checklist

NYS PFL Paid Family Leave Checklist

Starting January 1, 2018, New York State will require all ALL PRIVATE EMPLOYERS with one or more employees to obtain insurance under their disability insurance. Designed to provide financial stability for state residents through major life changes, the new policy will provide guaranteed paid leave for families in three life circumstances including:
  • Care for a covered family member when the family member has a serious health condition;
  • Bond with his or her child the first year of birth or adoption; or
  • Spending time with a family member being called to active military service

        Plan for Staffing

If you have one or more employees who may use Paid Family Leave in 2018, you need to have the right staff in place to cover their workload while they’re out. There are many ways to make sure you’re covered during an employee’s PFL, but they all start with a plan of action.

Start now by making sure you have cross-training plans in place. And if necessary, consider starting a relationship with a short-term staffing company to see you through the employee’s absence. You’ll also want to create a guide or process for tracking eligibility requirements and requests for PFL, so you can ensure the proper level of benefits and leave time are implemented.

  Get Payroll in Order

New York State Paid Family Leave will be financed through employee payroll deductions, so now is the time to start having a conversation with your payroll provider. Whether your payroll is handled in-house or by a third-party payroll processor, this team can help you get ahead of any process changes necessary to prepare for the implementation of PFL on January 1, 2018.

 Double-Check Insurance

Have a conversation with your insurance broker or agent to ensure that both of you know what’s coming down the pike and what needs to be done about it. This is also a good time to confirm that your current statutory disability (DBL) carrier will remain in the PFL/DBL market. In addition, you should make sure your company is fully compliant with today’s DBL requirements.

 Housekeeping Items

Because there’s a new policy being implemented, now is also a good time to do a quick sweep of housekeeping items you may have put to the side. A few examples include the following:

  • Locate, organize, and update employee policies
  • Include PFL guidance in new employee handbooks
  • Gather PFL forms, such as the Request for Paid Family Leave form (when available)
  • Make plans to include PFL to your mandatory signage in break rooms or in another prominent location in the building

 Prepare for Employee Education

Prepare to educate employees and communicate to them the details and eligibility requirements of the new PFL benefit. Be sure to create written documentation of the new policy, including eligibility requirements, so employees have a reference in-hand when necessary.

 Ask Questions

Education is a key component to PFL compliance, so continue to ask questions as they arise.  Our Agency’s, HR providers and third-party payroll processors are there to answer your questions. The more knowledge you attain now, the more smoothly the transition to PFL compliance will go.

Next Step Toward PFL Compliance

Educating yourself now can help everyone be better prepared. Although not all of the details have been finalized yet, we hope this checklist helps you achieve an easier transition to PFL compliance when the time comes.

How to Get a Quote for Paid Family Leave Coverage?

If your New York State clients are looking for quality DBL coverage to comply with the new Paid Family Leave policy, MMS Corp. will need policy payroll information to provide an accurate quote. The payroll wage totals must include a cap adjustment for those employees that make over the statewide average weekly wage of $1,305.

For example, if the employee makes over $67,860 (SAWW $1,305 x 52 weeks), the employer must only report the wages up to that amount. The Paid Family Leave rate of 0.126% will be applied to the total adjusted wages provided by the employer to calculate the Paid Family Leave premium amount.

Learn More About the New York State Paid Family Leave Policy

Find out how you can help your New York State clients get prepared for the new Paid Family Leave Policy now by booking a training webinar.

Contact Us Now    Learn how our Agency is helping buinsesses thrive in today’s economy. Please contact us at or (855)667-4621. 

Love this article? You might also like our NYS PFL Paid Family Leave page.

NYS DFS Announces CareConnect Exit

CareConnect Withdraws from NYS Market

CareConnect Withdraws from NYS Market

CareConnect today has announced their intent to withdraw from the NYS 2018 market. The ACA Risk Adjustment Program was penalizing CareConnect again $100 Million for 2018 after a $112 million tax in 2017.

The problems CareConnect was facing were not new and was covered in last month blog. This problem has bipartisan recognition and Cuomo Administration Asks Feds for ‘Immediate Changes’ to Risk Adjustment Program. While this tax or “risk adjustment penalty” was intended to increase competition it is blamed as the single largest bankruptcy cause for the 12 of 16  Obamacare Co-Ops such as the Health Republic of NY and for start-ups like Oscar and CareConnect.

The formula used to calculate payments in the risk-adjustment program has been criticized for unfairly favoring larger plans with more claims experience. Smaller companies that sell on the ACA’s exchanges have said they don’t have as many claims data, and therefore their membership base looks healthier than it is. In a twisted way, the young companies in need of help were actually subsidizing mature Insurers with legacy data systems.

Who is CareConnect?

CareConnect is a physician/hospital-owned Insurer by Northwell Health also formerly known as North SHore LIJ.  Careconnect manages the health of 400,000 individuals, including 125,000 customers.  Outside of the risk adjustment penalty the Insurer was managing population health and would have posted a profit.  Their past rate increases were single digits.

Sadly, this is a tremendous consumer market hit.  Their growth was predicated on delivering excellence of care while still mindful of consumer affordability, see chart below.  Not only were they on average 20-30% less expensive but their benefits were typically enhanced.  Example:  A Tradition Gold plan member would NOT have a deductible nor coinsurance for surgeries and hospital stays at a time when all competing Gold plans did.

Regrettably, no State appeal has been victorious as of yet.  With logger-head federal conflicts in Government today on repairing Obamacare flaws the victims will once again be the middle-class consumer.

See Press release:

CareConnect Leaving NY Market 2018CareConnect Individual rates

Next Step:

Please sign up for the Sept 13th webinar below on CareConnect Exit & Next Steps for Your Group.

Name & Email Address

NYS 2018 Final Rates Approved

NYS 2018 Final Rates Approved

NYS 2018 Final Rates Approved   2018 NYS healthcare_costs_scrabble_1333568743

NYS has approved  2018 Final Rates last week. Small group rates will increase 9.3% while the individual rate average increase will be 13.9%.

As per NY State Law carriers are required to send out early notices of rate request filings to groups and subscribers see original –NYS 2018 Rate Requests.  With only 3 months of mature claims, experience for 2017  health insurers’ requests are historically above average.  Ultimately the State reduces this request substantially. This year, however, NYS acknowledged that medical costs increased, citing a 7-percent average increase on the individual market and an 8.5-percent increase on the small group market. The administration also acknowledged drug prices have impacted insurers, pointing specifically to blockbuster drugs for Hepatitis C.


The national rate trend, however, has been much higher than in past years due to higher health care costs  Like other states throughout the nation, the 2017 rate of increase for individuals in New York is higher than in past years partly due to the termination of the federal reinsurance program.  The loss of the program’s a.k.a. federal risk reinsurance corridor funds account for 5.5 percent of the rate increase.

How are neighboring States doing? In NJ, not that bad.  According to a review of filings made public last week the expected rate increase will likely be half.  Example: Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield requested a 4.8% increase on their OMINA Plans.  For CT market, on the other hand, things are much worse at least for the individual marketplace with average 25% rate increases.

While the individual mandate is still the law, Washington has made it clear that they aren’t going to enforce the mandate. That means fewer people will buy health insurance raising the prices for those who do.

 A bipartisan group of congressional representatives has discussed an agreement to extend and guarantee the payments, but it’s unclear whether they could do so by the new filing deadline of Sept. 5. A lawsuit filed by Congress against the Obama administration to challenge the payments is still pending. In addition, Trump has repeatedly threatened to withhold payments to insurers that reduce cost-sharing – deductibles, copays and coinsurance – paid by low-income customers. More than half of New Jersey’s marketplace customers receive that assistance, and without it, most would be unable to afford coverage.

Finally, a tax on health insurance premiums is due to be reinstated in 2018 after a one-year “tax holiday” approved by Congress for 2017. That contributed 2.3 percent to the rate hikes that insurers requested last year.


The new premium hikes ranged from as little as .8% percent for Hudson Valley’s Crystal Run Health Insurance Company to a whopping 20.4% percent increase for  Albany region’s CDHP.  Importantly, small group market is still more advantageous than individual markets unless one gets a sizable low-income tax credit.

Overall, about 350,000 individual plan consumers will be affected by the price hike, while more than a million users will be hit by higher small group fees. Last year, Blue Cross Blue Shield released a study showing Obamacare user costs were 22 percent higher than people with employer-sponsored health plans, while UnitedHealth plans to exit most Exchanges see –  Breaking: Oxford Exits Metro Indiv & Oxford Liberty HMO 2017.

The correct approach for a small business in keeping with simplicity is a Private Exchange and with our large buying group PEO partnerships. This is a true defined contribution empowering employees with a choice of leading insurers offering paperless technologies integrating HRIS/Benefits/Payroll.  Both employee and employers still gain tax advantage benefits under the business.  Also, the benefits, rates and network size are superior under a group plan as the risk are lower for small group plans than individual markets.

NYS 2018Health Insurance Rates Approved

* All amounts are rounded to the nearest 1/10.

**Indicates that the company makes products available on the “New York State of Health” marketplace.

Learn how a Private Exchange and our PEO Partnership can help your group please contact us at or (855)667-4621.

Newsletter Sign Up Now

Cuomo Administration Asks Feds for ‘Immediate Changes’ to Risk Adjustment Program

Cuomo Administration Asks Feds for ‘Immediate Changes’ to Risk Adjustment Program

Cuomo Administration Asks Feds for ‘Immediate Obamacare Risk Adjustment in NYSChanges’ to Risk Adjustment Program

Yesterday marked 1 the year anniversary since the above Politico article “Cuomo Administration Asks Feds for ‘Immediate Changes’ to Risk Adjustment Program” was published. Little has changed and the controversial ACA Risk Adjustment is proving to be a company killer rather than the intended savior.

What is Risk Adjustment?

Risk Adjustments is one of three Rs of ACA regulations –  Risk Adjustment, Reinsurance, and Risk Corridors – Millennium Medical Solutions Inc. Small insurers rack up large charges while Blues benefit under ACA’s risk-adjustment program – Modern Healthcare Modern Healthcare business news, research, data and events

The permanent risk-adjustment program is meant to keep ACA insurers from cherry-picking healthier plan ACA's 3 Rmembers over sicker, costlier ones. It collects payments from plans with healthier than average members and distributes that money to plans saddled with sick, high-cost members. The zero-sum program is based on a patient’s risk score, which factors in demographic information and health conditions. The CMS said 709 insurers participated in the risk-adjustment program.

The formula used to calculate payments in the risk-adjustment program has been criticized for unfairly favoring larger plans with more claims experience. Smaller companies that sell on the ACA’s exchanges have said they don’t have as much claims data, and therefore their membership base looks healthier than it is.

Several small plans and co-ops formed under the ACA have sued over the risk-adjustment formula. Evergreen Health co-op in Maryland, for instance, sued in June 2016 to block the federal government from requiring it to pay millions in risk-adjustment charges. Co-ops New Mexico Health Connections and Minuteman Health of Massachusetts filed similar suits last year.

This punishes start-up growth companies. A local example would be small group/individual market CareConnect’s $129M and Oscar’s $44M negative adjustment while United has had a windfall of nearly $330M positive adjustment.  Put another way, this is an unintended welfare program for the rich legacy Insurers paid for by the very companies needing help in the market.

Risk-adjustment transfers for individual-market plans

Risk-adjustment transfers for small-group market plans

Cuomo Adjusting to Risk Adjustment?

Since last months NYS 2018 rate filing announcement the justifiable calls from members have been “Why are my #CareConnect rates going up 19%”.  A whopping $119 Million in RISK ADJUSTMENT is owed to Center for Medicare Services.  Alarmingly, this is not a political partisan issue and all agree on the flaws and unintended consequences. CMS has acknowledged the flaws but are working with a 5 year time frame. Sadly young companies cannot afford to stay in business by then.

The unofficial 3 tests presumptions of good regulations have been missed:

  1. Regulations must be non-political
  2. Designed with excellence
  3. Executed perfectly

The good news is that CMS can change this regulation without an act of Congress. Regrettably, no State appeal has been victorious as of yet.  For Governor Cuomo’s part the majority of the policies outlined in a press release from the governor’s office do not directly address the Risk Adjustment appeal and are already state law and would do nothing to protect New Yorkers’ from the skyrocketing costs they’d likely bear if the subsidies that underpin the Affordable Care Act are reduced or repealed.

In conclusion, to the clients suffering a 19% increase for 2018 the biggest fear is not having to change companies.  The real fear, in fact, ought  still to be will that company be around next year? This regulation, ironically,only affects individuals and small busnesses.

HealthPass Adds Oscar

HealthPass Adds Oscar

HealthPass Adds OscarHealthPass Adds OSCAR HEALTH INSURANCE

HealthPass New York will start offering OSCAR Health Plans effective Sept 1, 2017 to small employers. Oscar will offer eight plans with varying benefits package with 1 to 100 employees. The plans are available to small businesses located in New York City, Long Island, Westchester and Rockland counties. NJ residents can also access Hospitals & physicians through the NJ Qualcare PPO Network

HealthPass New York, a private insurance exchange for small employers.  The addition of Oscar gives small businesses access to 3 health networks – Oxford, CareConnect and  Oscar.  Also, Guardian is the insurer of record for the ancillary benefits comprising dental, vision, life insurance, disability and accident insurance

Oscar entered the NY market on Jan 1, 2014 and had around 16,000 members. In 2015, it expanded coverage to New Jersey and grew to about 40,000 members. In 2016, Oscar had 145,000 members in New York, New Jersey, California, and Texas. Oscar’s cutting edge technology and pioneering benefits have simplified the consumer health insurance experience propelled easier access and understanding of health plans.  Examples of success have been ease of physician locator, online appointment setting and no cost telemedicine 24/7.  Additionally, some plans have $0 Copay generics and annual 3 free office visits

Why a Private Exchange?  The advantage of a Private Exchange is the ability to empower employees with choice.  Much like a 401K your employees can use a defined contribution allocation for benefits.  As affordable health plan networks are increasingly smaller with specific coverage areas the one size show for all approach to benefits no longer works.




Is a Private Exchange Right For My Group?

If you’re a small business owner who has concerns about payroll, filing paperwork, and complying with government regulations, co-employment may be the service you’ve been looking for.  In some cases, a Private Exchange may NOT be right for you. With Health Care Reform your company may qualify for a small business tax credit or a be eligible for a large group discount under a PEO.

Try us on a custom demo, contact us at (855)667-4621.

NYS 2018 Rate Requests

NYS 2018 Rate Requests

NYS 2018 Rate Requests

Yesterday, NYS 2018 Rate Requests filings were released. The total weighted average increases were 11.5%  small groups and 16.6%  individual market.  This early filing request deadline request requirement is not an Obamacare requirement.  As per NY State Law carriers are required to send out notices of rate increase filings to groups and subscribers.

These are simply requests and the state’s Department of Financial Services has authority to modify the final rates. But they are the first indication of what New Yorkers can expect when shopping for health insurance on the individual marketplace at the end of this year. The news comes as insurance companies across the country brace consumers for another year of large rate hikes, owing in part to the composition of the individual market, and in part to the uncertainty over the future of the law under the Trump administration.


By comparison last year  NYS 2017 Rate Request early filings were higher at 12.3% small group and 19.3% for individuals.  The final filing rates were lower  NYS 2017 Final Rates were 8.3% small group and 16.6% for individuals.  The NYS 2016 Rates final rates were 9.8% small group and 17.1% for individuals.  Using these past figures one projects a 2018 Final Rates of 7% small groups and 14% individuals.

With only 3 months of mature claims in 2017 to work of off Insurance Actuaries have little experience to predict accurate projections. Simply put the less credible information presented to actuarial the higher the uncertainty and higher than the expected rate increase.  The national rate trend, however, has been much higher than in past years due to higher health care costs and the loss of Federal reinsurance fund known as risk reinsurance corridor.


NYS 2018 Filing Request for Individuals

Individual rates are expected to be higher than the small group market. The national rate trend, however, has been much higher than in past years due to higher health care costs  Like other states throughout the nation, the 2018 rate of increase for individuals in New York is higher than in past years partly due to the termination of the federal reinsurance program.  The loss of the program’s aka federal risk reinsurance corridor funds accounts for 5.5 percent of the rate increase.

This is one of the reasons why the individual market is significantly more costly to operate than the small group as per recent Aetna and United Healthcare pull out of most State Individual Exchanges.   Another local example was last year’s Oscar Health Insurance which had lost $105 million and is asking for up to 30% rate increase.  The 3-year-old company said the increase was necessary because medical costs have risen, government programs that helped cover costs are ending, and its members needed more care than expected.  For 2018, with successful pivotal changes, Oscar is asking below average 11% individual increase and a decrease of 3.2% small group next year.

Small Groups:

While small group rates are better risk and naturally lower rates.  There is some rate shock with notably Careconnect.  CareConnect, the financially struggling health insurance arm of Northwell Health, has asked the Cuomo administration to allow an average 30 percent premium hike on the individual market in 2018. The company, which lost $157 million in 2016, is asking for small group increases that range between 9 and 24 percent.NYS 2018 Rate Requests

THE THREE R – RISK CORRIDOR, RISK ADJUSTMENT & REINSURANCE designed to mitigate the adverse selection and risk selection. The problem, according to many insurance companies, is that the formula is flawed, and CareConnect executives have consistently complained that they are at an unfair disadvantage. The Cuomo administration has taken steps to ameliorate some of those problems, giving the DFS the authority to essentially overrule the federal numbers.  In its first-quarter financial report, executives made clear that the risk adjustment penalty was a threat to its business.

Defined Contribution Choice:

Instead, the correct approach for a small business in keeping with simplicity is a defined contribution model using a Private Exchange.  This is a true defined contribution empowering employees with the choice of leading insurers offering paperless technologies integrating HRIS/Benefits/Payroll.  Both employee and employers still gain tax advantage benefits under the business.  Also, the benefits, rates and network size are superior under a group plan as THE RISK OUTLINED ABOVE ARE HIGHER FOR INDIVIDUAL MARKETS THAN SMALL GROUP PLANS.

You may view the NYS 2018 Rate Requests DFS press release, which includes a recap of the increases requested and approved by clicking here.

For a custom analysis detailing YOUR upcoming 2017-2018 renewal please contact our team at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp  (855)667-4621.  We work in coordination with Navigators to assist with Medicaid, CHIP Child Health Plus, Family Health Plus and Medicare Dual Eligibles.   We have Spanish, Russian, and Hebrew speakers available.  Quotes can also be viewed on our site.

Summary of 2018 Requested Rate Actions


Company Name 2018 Requested Rate Action
Affinity 23.5%
Care Connect 29.7%
CDPHP 15.2%
Crystal Run Health Plan, LLC 8.7%
Emblem (HIP) 24.9%
Empire ** N/A
Excellus 4.4%
Fidelis 8.5%
Healthfirst Insurance Company, Inc. 13.0%
Healthfirst PHSP, Inc. 22.1%
HealthNow New York 47.3%
IHBC 25.9%
MetroPlus 7.9%
MVP Health Plan 13.5%
Oscar 11.1%
UnitedHealthcare of New York Inc 38.5%
Total Weighted Average 16.6%


Company Name 2018 Requested Rate Action
Aetna Life 14.2%
Care Connect 19.3%
CDPHP 21.1%
Crystal Run Health Insurance Company 0.0%
Crystal Run Health Plan, LLC 3.9%
Emblem (HIP) 8.5%
Empire Healthchoice Assurance 12.9%
Empire Healthchoice HMO 13.8%
Excellus 8.0%
Healthfirst Health Plan, Inc. 10.0%
Healthfirst Insurance Company, Inc. 10.0%
HealthNow New York 8.9%
IHBC 14.5%
MetroPlus 5.1%
MVP Health Plan 8.5%
MVP Health Services Corp 11.7%
Oscar -3.2%
Oxford Health Insurance Inc 11.4%
UnitedHealthcare Ins Company of New York 15.2%
Total Weighted Average 11.5%

*These averages may change based on DFS’s review of the rate applications.

** Empire submitted a filing that DFS is evaluating.