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twitter1gifIn my few moments of writers block (procrastination) last month I’ve been experimenting with the effect of Twitter’s microblogging. What have I learned? The primary thing that you need to know is that the world of Twitter is wide open to new participants, whether individuals or companies.

Thanks to the apple_logo-fullApple guys at The Westchester Store enclosed below are neat Twitter links and resources. – This is the main site where you can go to sign up for a

free account. – This is the site that allows you to judge positive and

negative comments about a product. – This website is the art project that follows peopleʼs

emotions in real time. – This website allows you to do a live video stream and

connects through twitter. – download free wallpapers for your twitter

homepage. also you can buy custom wallpaper here as well. – is a link shortening service that allows you to shorten URLs that

you tweet to your followers. – a webpage that aggregates the tweets of business

people. – this is a shortened link bringing you to a great guide for

beginning work with twitter. – Here you can download the program Twitterific for

your computer. An excellent Twitter client for your mac. –  directory of Twitter users organized by interests

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