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The Health Care Reform Bill

The Health Care Reform Bill


The President earlier today has signed The Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010, a historic health care reform that’s been 14 months in the making.  This is after Sunday’s Congressional passage by the slim margins of 219-212.

The Bill for the most part follows the President’s version of the Reform Health Bill which tweaked measures such as elimination of Nebraska’s politically wrangled special  Medicaid deal, delays on Cadillac Tax enactment and the establishment of a new Health Insurance Rate Authority to give guidance and oversight to states and monitor insurance market behavior. “If a rate increase is unreasonable and unjustified, health insurers must lower premiums, provide rebates, or take other actions to make premiums affordable.”  The 21% Medicare cuts to providers were rescinded.

The $940 billion over 10 year bill wont see most significant provisions until 2014.
Here’s a quick rundown of some of the expected changes.

Changes This Year:

  • Children under 19 with certain pre-existing conditions could not be barred from coverage.
  • Dependent children will be allowed to continue coverage on their parents’ plans until age 26 as long as they are not eligible for coverage from an employer. Previously, this applied only to full-time students usually up to the age of 23. Dependents previously dropped because they no longer met the old coverage requirements can be picked up by parents’ plans. At least some insurers will be charging adult children the full rate for an individual rather than including them in the family or employee and child rate. This may or may not be beneficial depending on the situation.
  • Subsidies for Medicare Advantage will be cut but the so called donut hole under the Medicare Drug Plan would be closed. Seniors getting a prescription drug benefit under Medicare will get $250 later this year under the reconciliation bill. And starting this year, Medicare beneficiaries can get some free preventive services like routine cancer screenings.
  • The bill creates a temporary pool for “high risk” uninsured. That is, individuals who currently have no coverage due to a pre-existing condition, and who have been uninsured for at least six months, would qualify for coverage under a government plan until the other provisions regulating coverage for pre-existing conditions kick in.
  • There will be no lifetime limits on coverage paid out under insurance plans.
  • Certain tax credits will also go into effect for small businesses.

Long Term Changes:

  • Some medical devices will be newly taxed. Same with drug makers.
  • Beginning in 2013, income over $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 a year for couples would be hit with a 2.35 percent Medicare payroll tax instead of the existing 1.45 percent rate. Those upper incomes would also see 3.8 percent more in taxes on unearned income such as stock dividends and interest income above the thresholds.
  • By 2013, employers will have to redesign their flexible spending accounts to impose a $2,500 annual limit on contributions. There is no limit now, though employers typically impose limits between $4,000 and $5,000.
  • In 2014, citizens will be required to have acceptable coverage or pay a penalty of $95, $325 in 2015, $695 (or up to 2.5 percent of income) in 2016. Families will pay half the amount for children, up to a cap of $2,250 per family. After 2016, penalties are indexed to Consumer Price Index.
  • in 2014, a new affordability test will kick in that could result in employers facing assessments unless they redesign their plans. If the premium paid by an employee exceeds 9.5% of their income and the employee uses federal health insurance premium subsidies to purchase coverage through new state health insurance exchanges, the employer would have to pay an assessment of $3,000 for that employee.
  • In 2014, employers with at least 50 employees that do not offer coverage will pay a tax of $2,000 for each employee without coverage. However, in determining the assessment, an employer’s first 30 employees would be excluded from the calculation. Taking the case of an employer with 100 employees that did not offer coverage, for example, its assessment would be 70 times $2,000.
  • So-called Cadillac health plans would also get dinged. Employer-sponsored plans worth $10,200 for individuals and $27,500 for families would be hit with a 40% excise tax starting in 2018.

Individual Mandate:

  • All individuals will be required to have health insurance, with some exceptions, beginning in 2014. Those who do not have coverage will be required to pay a yearly financial penalty of the greater of $695 per person (up to a maximum of $2,085 per family), or 2.5% of household income, which will be phased-in from 2014-2016. Exceptions will be given for financial hardship and religious objections; and to American Indians; people who have been uninsured for less than three months; if the lowest cost health plan exceeds 8% of income; and if the individual has income below the poverty level ($10,830 for an individual and $22,050 for a family of four in 2009).
  • Premium subsidies will be provided to families with incomes between 100-400% of the poverty level (or $22,050 to $88,200 for a family of four in 2009) to help them purchase insurance through the Exchanges. These subsidies will be offered on a sliding scale basis and will limit the cost of the premium to between 2% of income for those between 100-133% of the poverty level to 9.8% of income for those between 300- 400% of the poverty level.

Employer Requirements:
There is no employer mandate but employers with more than 50 employees will be assessed a fee of $2000 per full-time employee (excluding the first 30 employees from the assessment)

  • Employers that offer coverage will be required to provide a free choice voucher to employees with incomes below 400% of the poverty level if their share of the premium cost is between 8-9.8% of income and who choose to enroll in a plan in an Exchange. Employers that offer a free choice voucher will not be subject to the above penalty.
  • Large employers (more than 200 employees) that offer coverage will be required to automatically enroll employees into the employer’s lowest cost premium plan if the employee does not sign up for employer coverage or does not opt out of coverage.
  • No employer may impose a waiting period that exceeds 90 days

Small Business Tax Credit

  • Provides a two year tax credit to small businesses (less than 25 employees) with aver annual wages of less than $40,000 that purchase health insurance with the tax credit.
  • For tax years 2010 to 2013, the tax credit would be up to 35% of the employer’s contribution toward the employee’s health insurance premium if the employer contributes at least 50% of the total premium cost.
  • For tax years 2014 and later, for eligible businesses that purchase through the Exchanges, the tax credit would be up to 50% of the employer’s contribution toward the employee’s premium if the employer contributes at least 50% of the employee’s total premium cost.
  • The full credit will be available to employers with 10 or few employees and average annual wages of $25,000 and less, the credit phases out as firm size and wages increase.

American Health Benefit Exchanges

  • States will create the American Health Benefits Exchanges where individuals can purchase insurance and separate exchanges for small employers to purchase insurance. These new marketplaces will provide consumers with information to enable them to choose among plans. Premium and cost-sharing subsidies will be available to make coverage more affordable.
  • subsidies will only be available to those without other coverage or whose share of the premium for coverage offered by an employer exceeds 9.8% of their income. Small businesses with up to 100 employees can purchase coverage through the Exchange.
  • the Office of Personnel Management, which administers the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program, will contract with private insurers to offer at least two multi-state plans in each Exchange, including at least one offered by a non-profit entity. In addition, funds will be made available to establish non-profit, member-run health insurance CO-OPs in each state
  • Plans in the Exchanges will be required to offer benefits that meet a minimum set of standards. Insurers will offer four levels of coverage that vary based on premiums, out-of-pocket costs, and benefits beyond the minimum required plus a catastrophic coverage plan.
  • Premium subsidies will be provided to families with incomes between 100-400% of the poverty level (or $22,050 to $88,200 for a family of four in 2009) to help them purchase insurance through the Exchanges. These subsidies will be offered on a sliding scale basis and will limit the cost of the premium to between 2% of income for those between 100-133% of the poverty level to 9.8% of income for those between 300- 400% of the poverty level.
  • Cost-sharing subsidies will also be available to people with incomes between 100-200% of the poverty level to limit out-of-pocket spending.
  • Broker Role – HHS Secretary is required to “establish procedures under which a State may allow agents and brokers to enroll individuals” in Exchanges.
  • Beginning in 2014, the legislation allows states the option of merging the individual and small group markets within the Exchanges.

A more comprehensive chart is available through NAHU (National Association of health Underwriters).

Several states have already challenged this law as an over extension of Federal powers.  Additionally, the requirement of mandating an individual to buy insurance is not so clear.

Many additional questions will arise such as:

-How will plans with Federal minimum standards reconcile with progressive states like NY that have numerous state mandates already?
-Afterall, a Healthy NY plan can operate commercially without mandates that an ordinary group plan must comply with?
-What happens to community rated states like NY?
-Will they drop this rating methodology altogether?
-Since there will be no longer pre-existing conditions is it just cheaper for an individual to just withdraw pay the penalty and then hop in when in need of coverage?

Lastly and importantly, the bending of the cost curve is weak. There is language, however, on attacking fraud & billing abuses as well successful Pharmaceutical concession for Medicare Part D.  But Rome was not built in a day and this lays the foundation for a path of extending coverage to as many people as possible. Heavy topics such as Tort Reform, exorbitant malpractice insurance, federal medical reimbursements cuts must wait for another day.

COBRA Subsidy Extended AGAIN

COBRA Subsidy Extended AGAIN

President Obama Tuesday night signed into law legislation that provides a stopgap, 31-day extension of federal subsidies of COBRA health care premiums.
The Senate approved this on a 78-19 vote, while the House cleared it last week.

Under H.R. 4691, the 65%, 15-month premium subsidy for laid-off workers is extended to those involuntarily terminated from March 1 through March 31.

Without the extension, employees laid off after Feb. 28 would have been ineligible for the subsidy.

With unemployment at a 25-year high, more than 14 million are eligible for subsidized COBRA, according to Hewitt.

According to USA Today, unemployed workers who signed up in March lost their subsidy on Dec. 1, and thousands more were facing the end of subsidized premiums within the next few weeks.

Additionaly, the measure  will allow employees to receive the subsidy if they first lost group coverage due to a reduction in hours and then were terminated after enactment of the legislation, if certain conditions are met.

The latest extension is just a 31-day stop gap measure. The Senate is currently considering HR 4213, the “American Workers, State, and Business Relief Act,” that would include extending the premium subsidy to employees laid off through December 31, 2010.

President’s Health Reform Proposal Issued

President’s Health Reform Proposal Issued

The President yesterday released with great anticipation his own version of the Reform Health Bill.  This is the opening bid before Thursday’s Bipartisan Summit.

The proposed Bill for the most part is similar to the Senate Bill passed in December with a few minor changes anticipated to cost almost $1 trillion over 10 years.  The comprehensive bill adds cost saving measures and more affordability for lower income Americans.

As expected and in step with both Houses the proposal eliminates pre-existing condition but raises the penalty for individuals not paying into a mandatory health plan to 2.5% of adjusted gross income by 2016.  Included, also, is an increase in the  tax credits for health insurance premiums a sort of carrot and the stick model.

Spurred by recent rate increases by insurers such as Anthem’s 39% planned rate hike in California there is a provision to establish a new Health Insurance Rate Authority to give guidance and oversight to states and monitor insurance market behavior. “If a rate increase is unreasonable and unjustified, health insurers must lower premiums, provide rebates, or take other actions to make premiums affordable.”

Also included is elimination of Nebraska’s politically wrangled special deal to help pay for a proposed Medicaid expansion, and would instead provide more help for all states to pay for their new Medicaid enrollees. It would delay enactment of a the Cadillac tax (40% tax in excess of $10,200/$27,500 for single/ families) on high-cost employer-sponsored insurance plans with no special exceptions to Union groups.

There is elimination of the Medicare Rx  “doughnut hole” for Part D.  There will be a 25% coinsurance fee instead for seniors in this gap.  Currently, the gap starts after the first covered $2830 and continues on the next $4550 with only a 5% member responsibility thereafter.

Our small employer groups will be relieved to know that groups under 50 employees are exempt form the mandate.  Under the Senate plan, employers with more than 50 employees that do not offer coverage would pay a $750 assessment for each full-time employee. The White House proposal would bump up that assessment to $2,000 for each full-time employee. However, in determining the assessment, an employer’s first 30 employees would be excluded from the calculation. Taking the case of an employer with 100 employees that did not offer coverage, for example, its assessment would be 70 times $2,000.

The proposal also is believed to retain a provision in the House and Senate bills that would impose a $2,500 annual cap, starting in 2011, on the maximum annual contributions that could be made to health care flexible spending accounts such as HRA and FSA.

Our position is that Health Care Reform done responsibly is important and inevitable for the sustainability of our country.  While the current leaves millions uninsured it just as importantly leaves many who are already insured struggling to pay and possibly drop out going forward. Addressing the cost factors for those already insured is being understated.

Stay tuned till the end of the week for the Bipartisan Summit.  We expect to see proposals on creating tax credits for employers who already offer benefits.   Also allowing insurers to easily cross state lines and increase competition by creating a basic Federal health package.  This will allow strong reputable companies like Humana to enter the NY/NJ/CT market and side step the choke full of mandates.  NY already includes almost 20% of overall costs going to these add-ons.

President’s Health Reform Proposal Issued

Boston Uprising?

The people have spoken it seems as Democrats lost a key Senate seat occupied for nearly 50 years to Republican Scott Brown.  The irony of course is that Massachusetts  is a progressive state taking the lead in health care reform.  The state has had mix success with reform.  According to a article the the real danger of reform is that regulators keep adding mandates and reforms that adds to the costs.

Small businesses are struggling in this uncertain economy and are fearful of regulators.  NYS has already added a sales tax in Summer of 2009 and almost passed a second surcharge in the Fall.  The real concerns are  costs and the Health Care Reform Bill barely touches 1.5%/year savings over 10 years,

Flaws in the Reform Bill are that people can choose to go uninsured and come back on when they’re sick without a pre-existing condition waiting period.  This adds to the cost as someone could defray costs by not paying into the system and just buy back into it as needed.  Imagine if we can do that with Auto Insurance? With so many progressive state programs for low income the people most commonly winging it are high middle income and younger people.

Secondly, the sole prop and individual markets in state such as NY are unaffordable.  This is the soft underbelly of the system that we also see as going uninsured especially with so many out of work employees who are working as 1099 consultants.  Extending COBRA to 36 months from 18 months staves this problem somewhat.  Perhaps extending COBRA even further may work as well even with a small added premium to extend form 36 month 60 month would still be a saving.  For example, a single NY non group HMO is $1000/month vs. $400/month for a group plan.

Finally and most importantly is Malpractice and Tort Reform. You cannot discuss Health Care Reform without attacking this issue and The Reform Bill falls short of doing this.  The actual cost of Malpractice is less than we realize.  Malpractice costs account for only 1% of spending but this leads to another estimated 9% is for “defensive medicine”. According to JAMA– “Defensive spending is described such as ordering tests, performing diagnostic procedures, and referring patients for consultation, was very common (92%). Among practitioners of defensive medicine who detailed their most recent defensive act, 43% reported using imaging technology in clinically unnecessary circumstances. Avoidance of procedures and patients that were perceived to elevate the probability of litigation was also widespread. Forty-two percent of respondents reported that they had taken steps to restrict their practice in the previous 3 years, including eliminating procedures prone to complications, such as trauma surgery, and avoiding patients who had complex medical problems or were perceived as litigious. Defensive practice correlated strongly with respondents’ lack of confidence in their liability insurance and perceived burden of insurance premiums.”

WIll this shape up to be a repeat of 1994 and dismissed as another failed  attempt by Democrats?  Perhaps not, so long as premiums are rising 10-20% a change must take place.  The President’s singular focus on this issue has moved government to act this far is an a testament to his will.  No other president in 50 years has wanted to touch this controversial topic with a ten foot pole  Trying to accomplish this in his first term is hubris and a bit naive but at least we have something on the table.  A true bipartisan bill may be the most lasting in the long run.

Happy 2010!

Happy 2010!

Happy Holidays!

As we enter 2010 we want to include some timely information on year end health reform and its possible impacts.

Right before Christmas, The Senate has passed 60-39 its version of a health care reform bill that, if enacted, will impact your business benefits plan more than any federal law in the past half century.  The Senate’s bill must still be merged with legislation passed by the House before President Obama could sign a final bill in the new year.

Most measures are expected to take place in 2014.  As for the impact on small businesses, The Senate would exempt companies with fewer than 50 workers from having to offer insurance. The House excuses companies with annual payrolls of less than $500,000; firms that are bigger would pay a fee equivalent to a portion of their payroll costs if they don’t offer insurance. That payment would rise to 8 percent of payroll for the largest firms.

Brief Comparison of Senate and House Health Reform Bills

The 10-year, $871 billion health reform bill is designed to extend insurance coverage to 31 million uninsured Americans.

Barring any major changes, the final health care reform bill is expected to:

  • Require most employers to contribute to the cost of employee coverage or pay into a health fund, while small businesses would be exempt or receive tax credits.
  • Require everyone to carry insurance, with discounts for people who cannot afford it and penalties for people who refuse to buy coverage.
  • Create a new marketplace or “Exchange” for individuals and small businesses to comparison-shop for insurance.
  • Levy a new excise tax on high-value health plans.
  • Provide insurance discounts for those earning less than 400 percent of the federal poverty level (about $73,000 for a family of three).
  • Impose new restrictions on insurance practices, such as prohibiting the denial of coverage because of pre-existing conditions, and increase the Medicare payroll tax on high-income people.

Most of these changes will likely be phased in beginning of 2013 and continue up until 2016, although changes to health care Flexible Spending Accounts could occur in 2011. The legislation would place an annual limit of $2,500 on the amount of funds employees can contribute to FSAs.

For more on specifics and timing of the pending legislation, please see Health Care Reform Frequently Asked Questions for employers by clicking here.

It’s important to remember that any dramatic changes would not be immediate. However, there are some things employers can do right now in preparation for the passage of a bill. The most important of these are to stay informed, follow developments and involve your benefits staff and partners.

Employers may also want to begin evaluating their employee demographics and assessing their current health plan design.

  • Do you have a balanced health care plan?
  • Will you be subjected to the 40% “Cadillac Tax”?
  • Will you be subject to pay or play penalties?
  • Can you take advantage of Exchange options if low-income employees would receive greater subsidies?
  • What would be the overall impact to your budget?

Health care reform is estimated to cost between $890 billion and $1 trillion over 10 years. It would be paid for by a combination of savings to Medicare and Medicaid, along with new sources of revenue from tax changes.

Once a bill is signed into law, we will help our clients with the practical implications of the legislation and its potential impact to organizations.

Our agency has strived to be ahead of the curve and keep our clients within budget regardless. We realize your organization – now more than ever – needs up-to-date information, industry-leading expertise and the assurance a reliable benefits partner can bring to your business.   We thank you all for reading our material, referring us business and most of all believing in us!

Once again thank you and we wish you and your family a wonderful Holiday Season!

NYS Age 29 Regulations Update

NYS Age 29 Regulations Update

Highlights of the new dependent coverage legislation
The legislation has two dependent coverage features, the “make available option” and the “young adult option” (also called “NY DU30 option”). Under the make available option, Insurers offer customers the option to provide dependent coverage to age 30. This option is similar to adding a rider to a benefits plan.

Under the NY DU30 option, dependents who reach the maximum age can elect extended coverage to age 30.

For either option, a dependent must meet these requirements:

  • Is a child of an employee or other group member insured under a group.
  • Is under age 30.
  • Is unmarried.
  • Is not insured by or eligible for coverage through the young adult’s own employer-sponsored group policy or contract, whether insured or self-funded, provided the policy or contract includes both hospital and medical benefits.
  • Lives or works in New York State or in the service area of the insurer’s network-based policy or contract (as set forth and defined by the policy or contract).
  • Is not covered under Medicare.

For an FAQ and more information click here

President’s Health Reform Proposal Issued

NYS Legislation Action Alert

NY State is trying to tack on additional taxes on health insurance. They’ve already quietly added a sales tax for the 1st time earlier this year.

According to NY POST Article NY eyes $1B tax slap on health


Here’s a list of officials and legislators to contact with the simple message above:

Executive Chamber:

Governor David Paterson –                                                  (518) 474-8390

Lt. Governor Richard Ravitch –                                             (518) 474-4623

Senate Leadership:

Senator John Sampson (Democratic Conference Leader) –     (518) 455-2788

Senator Carl Kruger (Finance Committee Chair) –                  (518) 455-2460

Senator Tom Duane (Health Committee Chair) –                    (518) 455-2451

Senator Neil Breslin (Insurance Committee Chair) –               (518) 455-2225

Upstate Senate Caucus:

Senator David Valesky (Vice President Pro Tem) –                (518) 455-2838

Senator Darrel Aubertine –                                                   (518) 455-2761

Senator William Stachowski –                                              (518) 455-2426

Senator John DeFrancisco (Finance Committee Ranker)        (518) 455-3511

Long Island:

Senator Craig Johnson                                                        (518) 455-2622

Senator Brian Foley                                                            (518) 455-2303

Senator Dean Skelos (Minority Leader)                                 (518) 455-3171

Hudson Valley:

Senator Suzi Oppenheimer                                                  (518) 455-2031

Assembly Leadership:

Speaker Sheldon Silver                                                        (518) 455-3791

Assemblymember Denny Farrell (Ways & Means Chair)         (518) 455-5491

Assemblymember Richard Gottfried (Health Comm. Chair)      (518) 455-4941

Assemblymember Joseph Morelle (Insurance Comm. Chair)    (518) 455-5373